Notify Calendar Owner of Time Slot Unavailability

Calendar owners receive an automated email notification when candidates cannot find a suitable interview time slot while self-scheduling an interview. With this feature, candidates no longer need to send a manual notification to the recruiter.

While scheduling an appointment, candidates click the No Feasible Timeslots button to notify the calendar owner that they cannot find a suitable interview time. The calendar owner then automatically receives an email notification entitled Timeslots Not Feasible which contains candidate information and the calendar name.

There are not steps necessary to enable this feature. If desired, you can modify the email template Timeslots Not Feasible. If you wish to not trigger the email notification, you can disable the feature. Note however that the No Feasible Timeslots button will still be available to candidates.

To disable the feature:

  1. Click Scheduling Center.

  2. Click Configuration.

  3. Click Email Templates.

  4. Click Timeslots Not Feasible.

  5. For the Send Email option, select No.

  6. Click Save.