Troubleshooting Issues Uploading Jobs

If a job is posted in Recruiting, but is not loaded in Sourcing, there are several entities that should be verified and additional steps that can be taken to integrate the missing job.

If it is discovered that a job that resides in Recruiting did not come over into Sourcing, consider the following:

  • Date override on Manual Job Synchronization

    Using the Manual Job Synchronization feature enables the Administrator to bring over jobs that did not come over through the feed. The scheduled Job Connector requests requisitions with a last modification time and date since the last time it ran. If there are jobs, which for some anomaly did not synchronize into Sourcing, the Manual Job Synchronization can be invoked to retrieve the missing jobs. Administrators enter a date into the Manual Job Synchronization and the synchronizer will request all jobs that are currently posted on the tethered career sections with a last modification date on or after the date selected.

    When no date is selected, clicking the Synchronize Now button will request jobs from Recruiting that were modified or posted after the last time the Job Connector ran. Selecting a specific date will request jobs from Recruiting which were modified or posted after the date entered.

  • Check the frequency set for the job feed

    For the initial loads or when adding some Career Sections to the configuration in Sourcing, it is recommended that a low synchronization frequency is used; e.g., every three hours. If there is large volume of jobs to load its best to let the synchronization complete before a new sync is performed.

If an internal job is not visible in Sourcing, consider the following:

  • Internal Only Jobs Setting

    The Internal Only Jobs Setting must be enabled for internal jobs to be visible to employees in Sourcing. Verify that this is enabled by going to Sourcing > Configuration > Jobs > Internal Information