Smart Redirection to Career Sections

When applying for a job, the candidate will be redirected to the appropriate apply flow and Career Section automatically.

The candidate is redirected to a Career Section:

  • Where the job is posted.

  • In the same language the applicant was viewing the requisition.

  • In respect of the candidate type; internal, external or mobile.

  • With the highest sequence number if there are multiple Career Sections that match the above criteria.

Candidates can apply in different languages and on multiple devices.

Alternate Job List URL

This feature provides OTAC Career Section (CS) customers, who want to use Sourcing (or another product) as the primary career site, the ability to redirect users from the CS Job Search tab back to Sourcing (or other product).

When a customer uses Sourcing as the Job Search front-end for OTAC, and a candidate searches for jobs and finds one they are interested in applying to, the candidate is handed off to CS for the application flow. During the application process, if the candidate decides to search for more jobs and this feature is enabled, when the user clicks the Taleo Enterprise Job Search tab they are navigated back to Sourcing via the configured URL. They can then use Sourcing to search for more jobs.

Candidates using external URLs which point to a CS job search or job list page are also redirected to the configured Sourcing job search.

The settings to enable this feature are located in the Taleo Enterprise Configuration module under the Career Section Administration section. See the table below for the full navigation path and settings names.

Configuration properties for this feature are listed in the table below.

Property Name Location
Alternate Job List URL text box [TEE Career Section] Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections(click career section name) [Properties] Edit
Apply Alternate Job List URL to Job Search Tab dropdown list (Yes or No) [TEE Career Section] Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections(click career section name) [Properties] Edit

One of the CS portal pages for job search needs to be activated, to display the Job Search tab for a navigation link that can be redirected.

Job Description Redirect URL

For customers who want to use Sourcing as their primary career site, this feature provides a configuration setting in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition to redirect the Career Section (CS) job description pages to the Sourcing equivalent Job Details pages.

When Sourcing is used as the primary career site, external links to job descriptions normally take users (candidates from a job board, or from a URL embedded in an email) to the TE job descriptions. Administrators can use a setting in TE configuration, on a Career Section basis, to have external links to job descriptions get redirected to a Job Details page on the Sourcing default site or a targeted Sourcing site. The Job Description Redirect URL setting is a text box into which a Sourcing page URL can be entered by an Administrator. When this setting is configured, candidates who come from job boards or links from correspondence sent by TE, can be redirected to the job descriptions in Sourcing.

Redirecting to the Default Sourcing Site

In the Job Description Redirect URL setting (in TE Configuration) the URL format must be:



  • zone = to be replaced with customer name

  • referrals = to be the zone type, 'referrals' or 'upgrade'

If the original URL doesn't include a language parameter, the base language of the requisition will be included in the redirection. Sourcing renders the job description in the language specified in the URL, if the language exists in Sourcing. If the language is unavailable in Sourcing, the job description is rendered in the Sourcing default locale.

If the original URL is carrying a source parameter (src= ), Sourcing will carry that source into the application into the career section. No interface element will tell the user they are redirected, unless they monitor the changing URL in the browser.

Redirecting to a Targeted, Branded Sourcing Site

Candidates accessing a Career Section job URL which targets a Job Description page can be redirected to the Job Details page for that same job in Sourcing, on a targeted Sourcing site for an end-to-end branded user experience. To do this:
  • The Job Description Redirect URL setting on each Career Section is to be populated with the URL for the appropriate Sourcing site.

  • The site URL fragment you need to include in the URL which is entered in this Career Section setting is found in the Sourcing configuration.

Access the URL fragment from Sourcing and enter into Career Section Configuration:
  • [Sourcing] > Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Settings > [General]

    Under General, you will see the Site URL setting. That value will be included in the URL string.

  • [Career Section] > Configuration > Administration > [Career Sections] > Career Sections

    Click on the name of the Career Section you wish to modify. (Note that it must be inactive to display an edit option).

  • [Properties] > Edit

    Scroll down to the URL section and enter the appropriate URL in the Job Description Redirect URL field.

    To direct candidates to a targeted Sourcing site, enter the URL obtained from Sourcing, i.e., URL/taleo/jobdetails.

  • Save

Note: You will want to switch out customer and referrals as needed to target the correct zone.

On each Career Section which is tethered to a Sourcing site, be sure to target the correct Sourcing site you wish job seekers who come from Career Section URLs to be directed to. Ensure that the site you are targeting is also tethered to that site for the Job Connector API.

Role-Specific Links and Application Flow Properties

The links Go to Profile and My Submissions target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class, or role, and users will be directed to the appropriate profiles and submissions (external and internal) based upon those privileges. The settings that allow candidates to go through the targeted flows are:

  • Submit Profile URL – Guests

  • My Submissions URL – Guests

  • Submit Profile URL – Employees

  • My Submissions URL - Employees

For customers who tether multiple career sections with different application flows to a single Sourcing site, the following is recommended:

For the career sections which are targeted by these Site Builder settings, it is best practice for customers to configure the “Always force this Career Section’s job-specific application flow” setting in Career Section to No.

  • Having this setting configured to No, ensures that candidates who edit their job submissions using the deeplink in Sourcing will be directed to the correct application flow; the flow in which the submission was originally created. A value of No here translates to saying, “Force the application flow on which this submission was originally created.” If a candidate applies to multiple jobs which are on multiple Career Sections, each with their own application flow, this allows that candidate to view or edit their submissions using the correct flow for a particular job.

  • This configuration mitigates any perceived need for multiple links to multiple career sections for accessing the My Submissions page.

Path: Career Section Configuration > Administration > Career Sections > Select a career section > Properties (not Application Flow Properties) > Scroll down to Application Flow Properties

The image shows the Application Flow Properties setting.