File Names

Distinctive file names facilitate the management of various integration points.


  • Import

    An import touchpoint corresponds to an available Taleo product service offering as defined in the data dictionary. The services have the same name as the business entity for which they offer specific import operations. For example, in the SmartOrg Data dictionary, the Group service offers create, delete, merge, and update operations. Other services may offer different operations.

  • Export

    An export touchpoint corresponds to the information to be extracted from a particular Taleo product business model.


The import actions correspond to the specific operations offered by the service. There is only one export action, and that is an export.

File Name Standards

  • Import

    Load file: <touchpoint>_<action>_ld.xml

    Configuration file: <touchpoint>_<action>cfg.xml

    Data file: <touchpoint>_<action>.csv

    Result file: <touchpoint>_<action>_result_<date_time>.csv

  • Export

    Query file: <touchpoint>_<action>_sq.xml

    Configuration file: <touchpoint>_<action>_cfg.xml

    Result file: <touchpoint>_<action>_result_<date_time>.csv


  • Import

    Load file: user_merge_ld.xml

    Configuration file: user_merge_cfg.xml

    Data file: user_merge.csv

    Result file: user_merge_result_20080715T084011.csv

  • Export

    Query file: newhire_export_sq.xml

    Configuration file: newhire_export_cfg.xml

    Result file: newhire_export_result_20080715T090517.csv