About the Radar Chart Type for Dashboard 2.0

A radar chart is a two-dimensional chart type designed to plot one or more series of values over multiple quantitative variables. Radar charts are best for determining which variable in the data is doing better than the rest. Hence, they are mostly used for performance analysis.

For Dashboard 2.0, you can select bar, line, area, scatter, and bubble radar types.

Dashboard 2.0 Example - Radar Bar Chart Type

Dashboard 2.0 Radar Bar Chart Type Example

Dashboard 2.0 Example - Radar Line Chart Type

Dashboard 2.0 Radar Line Chart Type Example

Dashboard designers can set these radar chart type properties:

Table 11-11 Radar Chart Type Properties

Setting Description

Value Scale

Especially useful for large numbers, you can scale how a value is displayed. For example, if the value is 1,689,000 and you select K - Thousand as the scaling option, the chart displays the value as 1,689K.

Your scaling options:

  • None: No scaling is applied.

  • Auto: The value is displayed based on its range. For example, 1,500 displays as 1.5K, 1,689,000 displays as 1.69M, 42,314,531,211 displays as 42.31B, and 1,234,567,891,234 displays as 1.23T.

  • K - Thousand: The value is displayed as thousands units. For example, 1,689,000 displays as 1689K.

  • M - Million: The value is displayed as millions units. For example, 123,456,789 displays as 123M.

  • B - Billion: The value is displayed as billions units. For example, 12,345,678,912 displays as 12B.

  • T - Trillion: The value is displayed as trillions units. For example, 1,234,567,891,234,567 displays as 1,234T.


Select from the following options:

  • Bar

  • Line

  • Area

  • Scatter

  • Bubble

Legend Position

Choose Left, Right, Top, Bottom, or None.

Grid Lines

Select Hide or Show.

Logarithmic Scale

Especially useful for displaying numerical data that covers a wide range of values (typically, the largest numbers in the data are hundreds or even thousands of times larger than the smallest numbers), a logarithmic scale displays these values in a way that is more compact and readable. Select whether to use a logarithmic scale in your radar chart.


Select Default or click data in the chart and choose a custom color for that data.