Creating an EPM Enterprise Cloud Service Application

The landing page is your starting point for creating an application and for viewing overview videos that help you get started.

EPM Enterprise Landing page

Each subscription to the EPM Enterprise Cloud Service allows you to create one application. Click SELECT under the application description for Tax Reporting to view available options for creating a Tax Reporting business process.

The EPM Enterprise Cloud Service landing page presents the applications that you can create.


After you initiate the creation of an application, you cannot return to the landing page. If wish to return to the landing page to create a different application, you must first reset your environment to its original state. See Switching to a Different Business Process in Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.

Creating a Tax Reporting Business Process

You have three options to create the business process:

  • Create a sample application
  • Create a new application
  • Use an existing snapshot to create an application

These options are displayed on a business process-specific landing page similar to the following illustration:

Create Business Process Options