Consolidation and Translation Rules

Tax Reporting provides pre-built calculation scripts to handle consolidation and translation. In addition, the system provides pre-built scripts and member formulas for some of the standard calculation processes. For example, these rules are provided by default:

Table 18-1 Consolidation and Translation Rules

Rule Description


Executes Financial Consolidation for a given Scenario, Year, Period and Entity. Intelligently performs consolidation based on Entity's consolidation status.


Executes Financial Consolidation for a given Scenario, Year, Period and Entity. Intelligently performs consolidation based on Entity's consolidation status.


Executes the Consolidation by ignoring the internal processing flags. This operation is targeted towards Administration user to recover from a bad state.


Translates the consolidated data for a given Scenario, Year, Period, Entity and its descendants to the selected Reporting currency. If the entity is not consolidated, it is first consolidated as per the status, and then translated to the reporting currency.


Translates the consolidated data for a given Scenario, Year, Period, Entity and its descendants to the selected Reporting currency. If the entity is not consolidated, it is first consolidated as per the status, and then translated to the reporting currency.


Executes the Translation by ignoring the internal processing flags. This operation is targeted towards the Administration user to recover the system from a bad state.


Executes the Translation by ignoring the internal processing flags. This operation is targeted towards the Administration user to recover the system from a bad state.


Rule executed as part of pre processing operation for Data Load. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Data Load. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for any metadata changes. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Data Form save. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Refresh Database. This rule is not for standalone execution.


This rule delegates database post processing call to Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager modules to sync the metadata.


This rule is used in Rollover process to copy the Tax Automation rule mapping. It copies mapping to target period from prior period.


This rule is used internally by system to update the data status of entities based on mapping defined by user in Tax Automation form. This rule is not for standalone execution.


This rule is used in Rollover process to copy the Tax Rate. It copies data to target period from prior period.


Rule executed as part of pre processing operation for Data Form save. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Computes Average and Ending rates for a given Scenario, Period and Year based on direct rates entered in the system against given From and To currencies. Performs triangulation based on Application currency, in case direct rates are not entered.


This rule is used in Rollover process to copy the FX Rate data. It copies data to target period from prior period.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Refresh Database. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Data Load. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Refresh Database, Data Load, Form Save. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Data Load. This rule is not for standalone execution.


This rule is used internally by system to update the data status of entities based on mapping defined by user in Tax Automation form. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for any metadata changes. This rule is not for standalone execution.


This rule delegates database post processing call to Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager modules to sync the metadata.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Refresh Database. This rule is not for standalone execution.


Rule executed as part of post processing operation for Data Form save. This rule is not for standalone execution.