Translating Data

Currency translation converts account data from one currency to another. You can translate data from the entity’s input currency to any other currency that has been defined in the application, either during the consolidation process or separately. When you consolidate data, currency translation occurs if the parent entity has a different default currency than the child entities.

Translation is performed using calculation scripts and based on stored consolidated data. When the system performs translation, if data is not consolidated or if data is impacted, it automatically consolidates the data before translation. The system translates the stored consolidated amount to the Reporting currency by applying the applicable exchange rates.

Translation to Parent currency is performed as part of the consolidation process. If you want to translate data into a specific Reporting currency, you select the target Reporting Currency and perform translation. Only currencies enabled for reporting are available for Reporting currency translation.

You can translate data to a Reporting currency even if the entity is locked and its calculation status is OK or System Changed.

After the translation rule is run, the translated currency dimension is stored. You can make adjustments to the translated amounts in each currency through journals.

To translate data:

  1. From the Home page, select a form, such as Current Provision.
  2. Select a cell for which to run translation rules.
  3. From Actions, select Translate.
  4. Verify the Point of View, and then click Launch.
  5. Click OK to dismiss the success confirmation message.