Approval Unit Actions by Template

Depending on the approval template assigned to the Approval Unit Hierarchy, the review path and actions will vary.

  • Consolidation – used only for Locking

  • Consolidation Bottom Up – used for Process Management


For both approval templates, the final state will always be Locked.

Table 18-1 Locking Only

Action Status
<before any action> Not Started
Start Unlocked
Lock Locked
Unlock Unlocked
Exclude Not Started

Table 18-2 Consolidation Bottom Up

Action Status
<before any action> Not Started
Start Under Review
Promote Under Review
Reject/Reject Single Not Signed Off
Sign Off Signed Off
Approve Approved
Reopen/Reopen Single Under Review
Delegate Under Review
Lock Locked
Unlock Under Review
Originate Under Review
Exclude Not Started
Take Ownership Under Review