Creating Intercompany Reports

To create an Intercompany report:

  1. On the Home page, click Library.
  2. Click Intercompany Reports.
    Intercompany Report
  3. From the Point of View, select a single member for each of the following dimensions: Scenario, Years, Period, View, Consolidation, and Currency.

    The Currency must be a Reporting Currency. The dimension members that you select will be displayed in the header section of the generated report.


    The Dimension names (Consolidation, View, and so on) are displayed by default. To hide the Dimension names and display only the members, click the Actions icon Actions icon, and then select Hide Dimension Names.

  4. For Entity and Partner, enter an entity name, or click the Member Selector and select an entity.

    Entities can be both ICP and non-ICP enabled.

  5. For Plug Accounts, select the accounts to include, or select All.
  6. For Suppression Dimensions, select members and then select a suppression option:
    • Not Suppressed
    • Suppressed
    • Group
  7. For Suppression Options, make selections:
    • Suppress Matches - click to select this check box.
    • Tolerance Value - enter a value.
    • Tolerance Percent - enter a percentage. The value must be a positive number less than or equal to 100.

    For details on suppression options, see Setting Up Intercompany Reports.

  8. Select Display Options:
    • Report Title - enter a report title or use the default.
    • Scale Factor - enter a value between 0 and 9.
    • Decimal Override - enter an integer between 0 and 6.
    • Member Display - select Name, Description, or Both.
  9. From Report Type, select the format you want to use:
    • HTML
    • PDF
    • XLS
    • XLSX
  10. Click Run Report and select to open or save the report.