Setting Up Intercompany Reports

To set up Intercompany reports, you select the POV members, accounts, and matching accounts that you want to display. You can also select whether to suppress display of dimension members and data cells associated with a specific variance.

Selecting the Point of View for Intercompany Reports

The Point of View dimensions are displayed in the header section of the generated report. You can select one member for each of the following dimensions:

  • Scenario

  • Year

  • Period

  • View

  • Consolidation

  • Currency (Must be a Reporting Currency)

Selecting Accounts for Intercompany Reports

You determine the account and matching accounts for which you want to match transactions by selecting Plug accounts.

A plug account is an account that, when eliminations are complete, stores the difference between two intercompany accounts. When you select the plug account for a report, the system uses the account and matching account that the administrator specified when defining the plug account.

For each plug account, the accounts that are associated with it and that have the same Account type are displayed. For example, Asset and Expense account types are associated, and Liability, Revenue and Equity account types are associated.

Selecting Suppression Dimensions

The Data Source, Movement and Custom-defined dimensions are considered suppression dimensions. With these dimensions, you can select multiple members, using either the Member Selector or by specifying member names in text, with member names delimited by a comma. The Suppression dimensions are listed in the generated report header.

The Member Selector provides these member categories:

  • Ancestors
  • Children
  • Descendants
  • Siblings (All, Left, Right, Previous, Next)
  • Parents
  • Level 0 Descendants (All, Previous, Next)
  • Left Siblings
  • Generation (Previous, Next)

You can select one of the following Suppression options:

  • Not Suppressed—This is the default selection. The dimension is included as a column in the Report Grid. There is a row of all combinations of outer-dimensions (dimensions to the left) members against each member of the Not Suppressed dimension.
  • Suppressed—The dimension is not included as a column in the Report Grid. Each row data point implies a summation of all the members selected for the specified suppression dimension. All dimensions suppressed are treated as though they were at the end (right-most inner) dimensions in the grid.
  • Group—This is the same as Not Suppressed, with the addition of summation rows. All outer-dimensions (dimensions to the left), together with the grouped dimension, form a group. When a group is displayed against all of its inner dimension members (all members to the right of the grouping), a summation of values will is added as the next row.


    The Group option limits the dimension selection members to base members only. The Intercompany dimension (Partner dimension) is automatically groups, and a summation of values is derived for each Entity/Partner combination.

Selecting Suppression Matches

In Intercompany reports, you can suppress the display of data cells associated with a specific variance, as well as the variance itself, if a set of conditions are met. Suppressing the data in a data cell means that the system shows no value (a blank value) in that cell. If both variances are suppressed in the row, the system does not display the entire row.

You can suppress data by specifying a tolerance value (amount) or percentage. For example, if an Entity has an amount of 299 and the Partner Entity has 200, the difference is 99. If the matching tolerance is 100 and the difference between the Entity and Partner is less than 100 as in this example, the system suppresses the transactions because it is within the matching tolerance.

If you select not to suppress the Entity/Partner transactions, the system does not suppress them even if the Entity and Partner amounts are within the matching tolerance amount or percentage. Using the previous example, even if the difference amount is 99 and if it is within the matching tolerance, the system does not suppress the transactions. The matching tolerance is displayed in units.

You can suppress matches using one or both of these options:

  • Tolerance Value - You can enter a Tolerance value. The value must be a positive number. If the absolute value of a specified variance is less than or equal to the Tolerance value, the system suppresses the variance, accounts, and matching account data cells for the specified variance in that row. By default, the Tolerance value is 0.
  • Tolerance Percent - You can enter a Tolerance percent. The value must be a positive number less than or equal to 100. Determine the absolute value of the portion of the variance that was accounted by the Accounts. Determine the absolute value of the portion of the variance that was accounted by the Matching Accounts. Take the minimum of these two values (if there are no Matching Accounts, then just use the portion from Accounts only), and apply the Tolerance Percent. This is the Tolerance Percent Value. If the Tolerance Percent Value is greater than the absolute value of the variance, then the Variance, Accounts, and Matching Account data cells for the specified Variance in that row are suppressed.


    A row that has no data for both transactions is automatically suppressed, regardless of whether any of the suppression options are enabled.

The Suppression options are displayed in the header section of the generated report.

Selecting Display Options

You can modify these default display options for the report:

  • Scale Factor - You can enter a value between 0 and 9. The default value is 0. The scale factor is applied to each data cell. For example, if the value is 1000 and the scale factor is 3, the value will be displayed as 1. All unsuppressed data cells are multiplied by the Scale Factor. The system performs the calculation and suppression operations prior to applying the Scale Factor.
  • Decimal Override - You can specify the number of digits shown in the fractional portion of a decimal. You can enter an integer between 0 -6. The default value is 0.
  • Member Display - Specify whether to display members using their Name, Description, or both.
  • Report Type - You can generate reports in HTML, PDF, XSL, or XSLX format.
  • Report Title - You can enter a report title. The default title is Intercompany Report.

Run the report as outlined in Creating Intercompany Reports.