Entering Current Tax Payable (National) Form

The Current Tax Payable form is available for both GAAP and IFRS reporting standards.

The last year ending balance data in Current Tax payable is the current year opening balance. You can add details in the columns that you require under the following headings:

  • Current Year P&L Charge
  • Current Year OCI/Equity
  • Payments
  • Refunds
  • Total Payments and Refunds
  • RTA (P&L)
  • Transfers
  • Foreign Exchange - Opening Balance
  • Foreign Exchange - Current Year
  • Current Payable Foreign Exchange (available for multicurrency applications only)
  • Ownership
  • Ownership - Opening Balance
  • Ownership - Current Year
  • Payable Closing Balance

To enter details on the Current Tax Payable form:

  1. From the Home page, select Tax Provision National, and then TAR.
  2. Select the Current Tax Payable tab.


  3. Optional: Modify the POV as required.

    If you are starting a new Year, select that year for the POV. Note that data from the existing Current Year moves to Current Year Minus 1, and data for the previous Current Year Minus 6 is accumulated into the total value shown under Historic Year.

    Based on the selected year in the POV, the actual Financial year is displayed under Year of Origination , such as FY17, FY18, FY19.

  4. Enter detail amounts for any of the following columns:
    • Current Year P&L Charge
    • Current Year OCI/Equity
    • Payments
    • Refunds
    • Total Payments and Refunds
    • RTA (P&L)
    • Transfers
    • Foreign Exchange - Opening Balance
    • Foreign Exchange - Current Year
    • Ownership
    • Ownership - Opening Balance
    • Ownership - Current Year
    • Current Payable Foreign Exchange (available for multicurrency applications only)
  5. Under Actions, click Consolidate.
  6. Review results under Payable Closing Balance.