Activate a Business Flow

As a founder, after creating and editing a business flow, you can activate it by enabling document submission for the business flow.

Before you can activate a business flow, it should be in disabled state, which you can achieve by clicking Finish Editing for the business flow.
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Business Flows ().
  3. On the Configurations : Business Flows dashboard, from the left navigation bar, select the Business Flow that you want to activate.
  4. Ensure that the state of the business flow is Disabled. Otherwise, in the State section of the business flow, click Finish Editing.
    Note: After you click Finish Editing, you cannot delete a business flow.
  5. To enable the business flow, in the State section, slide the Document Submission slide bar.

    The state of the business flow changes to Enabled, which means trading partners can submit documents for the steps of this business flow.