Edit a business flow instance

After you create a business flow, as a founder, you can edit it to add documents, submitters, and viewers to the steps of a business flow. As an endorsing trading partner, you can edit steps of a business flow if you have been added as a submitter in the steps.

If you have signed in as a founder, you can view and edit all the business flows of the network. For an endorsing trading partner, only those business flows are displayed for editing, in which the trading partner is a submitter in one or more business steps.
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Business Flows ().
  3. On the Configurations : Business Flows dashboard, select the Business Flow that you want to edit from the list of business flows in the left navigation pane.
  4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of the business flow, click Edit ().

    The steps of the business flow are displayed.

  5. On the Edit: Business Flows > <Business Flow Name> page, identify the step you need to edit. Click Edit () and provide the following information:
    • Submitters: Select the trading partners who will be the document submitter for this step. You can select multiple submitters in a step. The drop-down lists all the trading partners with the user role specified in the template for the submitter of this step. For example, if you have selected "buyer" for this field in the template, then all the trading partners with the "buyer" role are listed in the drop-down.
    • Viewers: Select Business Roles or Trading Partners or both to set step viewers. The document submitter and the founder can setup zero or more viewers for the business step.
      • Business Roles: Select viewers based on the assigned roles. All tradings partnters with the assigned roles will be grouped and become viewers of that step.
      • Trading Partners: Select specific trading partners who can view this business step and all the documents associated with it. The drop-down lists all the trading partners in the network.

      As a founder, you can remove one or more existing viewers from the step even for an active business flow.

  6. Click Save to close the edit pane.
  7. Repeat Step 5 for all the steps in the business flow.
  8. If there is any error while adding steps or the configuration is incomplete, you see a Warning () icon on top of that step. Click Warning () and fix the error.
  9. Click Save and wait until the Save successful message is displayed.
  10. Click Cancel to return to the Configurations: Business Flows dashboard.


Note: As a founder, If you as have successfully completed the required configurations for all the steps of the new business flow, then:
  • The Finish Editing button is enabled.

  • Click Finish Editing to change the state to Disabled.

  • You cannot delete the business flow after you have clicked Finished Editing.

  • When the business flow is ready to receive documents, use the Document Submission slide bar to enable it. The business flow gets activated in the Enabled state.