Add Third Party Map Providers

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace lets you integrate with third-party map providers. The default map is Oracle Maps. The application also supports HERE Maps as a third-party map provider with high precision location search. You can switch between Oracle Maps and HERE Maps maps as per your requirement.

To use third party map provider:
  1. Click Menu () and then choose Configurations.
  2. Click Settings ().
  3. In the Configurations : Settings dashboard, click Edit ().
  4. Next to the Map Provider field, click Edit ().
  5. Choose the Map Provider from the drop-down list.
    The application currently support two map providers – Oracle Maps (default), and HERE Maps.
  6. If you select HERE Maps, complete these fields:
    Note: You configure HERE maps using OAuth mechanism. Instead of using HERE maps login credentials, such as Application ID and Application Code, generate an access token for authenticating to HERE maps. To generate the access token, you must first generate OAuth credentials (access key ID and access key secret) as described in the HERE Developer portal at
    • Access Key ID: This is the access key credential used for authenticating to HERE maps using OAuth mechanism. Generate and enter the access key from the website.
    • Access Key Secret: This is the secret credential used for authenticating to HERE maps using OAuth mechanism. Generate and enter the access key secret from the website.
  7. Click Validate. After you receive a success message, click OK and close the window to return to the Settings page.
  8. Click Save and wait until the Save successful message is displayed.
  9. Click Cancel to return to the Configurations : Settings dashboard.


The Map page now starts using maps from your specified map provider in place of the built-in maps. With HERE Maps, you can choose to display the satellite or terrain view as well. Choose from amongst the following options on the map:

  • Classic

  • Satellite

  • Terrain

The option to see points of interest is also available in all the HERE Maps layers.

If you wish to revert to using the built-in Oracle maps, you can choose Oracle Maps from the Configurations : Settings page.