Customize Application Appearence

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to customize the appearance of your application instance. You can upload a customized image which represents your organization, and can also change the name of the application displayed in the title bar of the UI console.

To configure appearance:
  1. Click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Settings ().
  3. Under Configurations : Settings dashboard, click Edit ().
  4. Under APPEARANCE, specify the following:.
    • Application Name: Name of the application which you want to be displayed in the title bar. By default Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is displayed.
    • App Logo: Application logo to be displayed on the title bar of the UI console. By default Oracle logo is displayed. Select Custom if you want to display a customized logo.
    • Choose Image File: Upload a custom image which will be displayed in the title bar of the UI console. This option is enabled only when you select Custom in App Logo. Ensure that the image uploaded has a white background, and image height is not more than 22 pixels. Images with height more than 22 pixels are scaled to fit and may appear distorted.
    • Show Application Name: Select this option if you want to display application name in the title bar. Note that the name displayed is the same that you have specified in field Application Name.
    • Show Logo: Select this option if you want to display the application logo in the title bar of the UI console. Note the logo displayed is the same that you have specified in App Logo field.

  5. Click Save and wait until the Save successful message is displayed.
  6. Click Cancel to return to the Configurations : Settings dashboard.