Delete an Application Token

A user can generate or delete application tokens which can be used by external applications to connect to Intelligent Track and Trace and invoke Intelligent Track and Trace REST APIs. A trading partner administrator can generate or delete application tokens for all the users of the trading partner.

As a user of a trading partner you should have generated application tokens or as an administrator of a trading partner, you should have generated application tokens for one or more users of the trading partner.
  1. Sign in to Intelligent Track and Trace using your credentials.
  2. Click User Menu () and select Application Tokens.
    The Application Tokens page displays the list of application tokens that the logged-in user has generated.
  3. Identify the token to delete from its description that displays the date and time of its generation. Click Revoke Token () for that token.
    A deleted successfully message is displayed along with the token description.
  4. If you have signed in as an administrator of a trading partner, then complete these steps to delete an application token for any user of the trading partner:
    1. Click Menu () and then click Configuration.
    2. Click User Management ().
    3. On the Users page, identify the user for which you need to delete an application token and click Generate Application Token () for the user.
    4. Identify the token to delete from its description that displays the date and time of its generation. Click Delete () for that token.
      A deleted successfully message is displayed along with the token description.