Promote a Buisness Flow in a Test Service Instance

Promote a business flow to migrate the business flow and all its associated entities from a test instance to a production instance.

Before you can migrate a business flow and its associated entities from a test service instance, a production service instance and a founder should already be provisioned.
  1. On the test service instance, click Menu () and then click Configurations.
  2. Click Business Flows ().
  3. On the Configurations : Business Flows page, from the left navigation bar, select the business flow that you need to promote.
  4. Click Promote.

  5. Select the Click to Confirm check-box and then click Promote and wait for the evaluation and promotion process.

  6. On the Last Promoted page, examine the success or error notifications about the promoted artifacts and click OK. You can fix the errors and repeat the promotion.

  7. Click Cancel to return to the Configurations : Business Flows page.


Switch to the production instance and verify that the business flow and its associated entities have been migrated.