Submit Documents

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides a REST API based mechanism and a application based user interface to the trading partners to submit documents for a step, into the network.

When a business flow is activated, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace generates a REST endpoint for each of the business steps. Trading partners integrate these REST endpoints with their REST clients or integration tools to post documents. Trading partners can submit documents only for the business steps for which they have been identified as a submitter. A submitter can optionally attach files such as, image files, pdf files, or audio files, when submitting the documents using the Submit document REST API. Alternatively, the submitter can login to the application and upload documents for the relevant business steps. The documents should follow a Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace defined JSON schema or CSV template, which are available for download.

In addition to REST and CSV/JSON file uploads, you also have the option of manually entering the data for document to be submitted using the auto-generated forms.

The HTML form is dynamically generated based on the JSON schema of all the pre-seeded document types and variants or custom document types and variants. See Upload Documents as JSON Form.

For more information on how to use REST APIs, see REST API for Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace