Trace a Flow Instance

View a detailed trace of the flow instance which includes relationship with other instances, and time-line view.

  1. Click Menu () and then click Operations.
  2. Click Business Flows ().
  3. Click Trace () icon against the business flow instance that you want to trace.

    Three types of view are supported:

    • Flow Relations: Shows the relationship of the selected business flow instance with other flow instances. Click each step to view its transaction details. The grayed-out boxes represents the pending steps, if any.
    • Chronological Trace: Chronological display of all the steps for the selected flow instance and steps from related flow instances. As you scroll down the business steps, you can view the flow of documents between the submitter and receiver in the map. This view also displays any IoT event captured along the time-line. For example, if the geo-location information for the goods is available, the application shows the movement of goods from one location to another. If any corresponding metrics are available, they are shown as line charts in the Details panel.

      The geo-location and any corresponding metric should be mapped to trackingData in the metadata template of the corresponding document type, for it to be displayed correctly and to have the metrics show up as a chart in the Details panel.

    • Visibility Grid: Displays a swim-lane view of the flow instance showing those trading partners that have access to the submitted documents. The highlighted boxes represent the transactions which are submitted by the trading partner. The grayed-out boxes represent the transactions that the logged in trading partner has view access.
  4. Click Chronological Trace on the upper right corner for the time-line view of the flow instance.

    The time-line view of the business flow instance is displayed.

  5. Click Visibility Grid on the upper right corner for the grid view of the flow instance.

  6. Click Document on the upper right corner for the associated document details of the flow instance.