View Attachments from Documents Trace Page

For improved accessibility, preview and download of attachments is also available from the Documents trace page without navigating to the documents dashboard view or documents details page.

To view a list of attachments:
  1. Click Menu () and then click Operations.
  2. Click Documents ().
  3. From ( ) drop-down, click Trace to open document trace view.
  4. From the documents content panel, change Map view to Document view.
  5. Click Attachments to open the attachments drawer.
    • Click Preview () and view the file content in attachment viewer.

      Attachment preview is available only for certain file types. On the preview page, you can see the first page of a PDF document or a larger version of an image file. For information on file types, see Access Document Attachments.

    • Click Download () to save the file in your local system.
    Optionally, you can Download and/or Print attachments from the file viewer.
  6. Click Cancel to return to the Documents trace view page.