Export All Attachments For A Selected Document/Trace

Use the attachment export feature to download all attachments related to a selected document or trace in a single zip file.

Some of the key elements this feature offers are:
  • Optimized user experience: In scenarios where there are large number of attachments uploaded for a single document or trace, downloading each attachment separately is a time intensive activity. Using bulk export feature, you now have the option to download all the attachments in a single zip archive which improves efficiency and saves time and effort to traverse through large set of attachments.
  • Effective file organization: All the files are exported in a zip format with a well-organized directory structure with a directory for each document and its associated versions.
  • Detailed summary report: A separate CSV file containing a complete download summary of the zip archive, such as document name, document number, the business flow and flow step for which it was submitted, document version and so on.
  • Access control: Provides permission based access to allow or restrict users from viewing and downloading attachments pertaining to the most recent version or for the entire version history.
  • Track export status: - Provides efficient tracking functionality to check the export activity status and subsequently download the archive files.

The export archive includes the following:

  • The folder structure of the ZIP file and the naming conventions used are as follows:
    • The default name of the exported archive is the normalized ledgerKey name, that is <normalized-ledger-key>-<num-suffix>.zip. For example, PurchaseOrder:PPE-22-456012-SS-01.zip. You can rename the default normalized export file to the name of your choice.
    • The default top level folder name uses the default normalized ledgerKey name of the selected document. For example, PurchaseOrder:PPE-22-456012-SS-01.
    • The second level folder(s) is a folder dedicated to each version of the document. For example, first level folder in a zip file is the default normalized name of the selected PurchaseOrder:PPE-22-456012-SS-01 document and the second level folder might be the multiple versions of the same document, such as V1, V2 and so on.
  • A CSV file with a detailed summary of the archive data.
  • The default size of the exported archive is 2GB, if the archive size exceeds 2GB (configurable), the zip file splits into multiple files.
  • If the file size of an attachment exceeds the specified limit, it does not split between multiple files. In this case, the attachment will be archived in a separate zip file.

Before you start

Note: You must have valid permissions to export document attachments.

Export attachments for selected document

Here's what to do

  1. Click Menu () and then click Operations.
  2. Click Documents ().
  3. To export document attachments, navigate to the documents summary page using one of the following choices:
    • Click the document number from the Documents column.
    • Click icon and select View Document.
  4. To initiate attachment export, click Export Attachments.
    The Export All Document Attachments? dialog box appears.

  5. Do the following tasks to start the attachment export:
    1. (Optional) In the Export Name field, you can either retain the prefilled name or can enter a new name of your choice.
    2. You can download attachments for the most recent version of the selected document or all the attachments uploaded for all the previously submitted versions of the document that is the entire version history of the selected document.
    3. Click Start Export.
      The attachment export status message appears.

  6. Choose any one of the following options to view exported archive status and download the attachments:
    • Click Check Status link from the export status message to directly jump to the Activity Log - Attachments Export page.
    • Go to Monitoring -> Activity Log, and then click Attachment Exports.

    In this example, the export is triggered for the most recent version of the Purchase Order document. The export includes a zip file and a csv file ready for download.

Export all attachments from selected document trace
  1. To export all attachments specific to a business flow, navigate to the business flow page by using one of the following choices:
    • Click the document number from the Documents column and then click Business Flow from the document summary page.
    • Click icon and select View Business Flow.
  2. Repeat Step 4 to Step 9 to view the export status and download the zip archive to your local system.