Screening Services

This section captures the screening services developed in Global Trade Management.

All interactions with the Global Trade Management Services through integration is made using the Service Request element (refer to the GTM.xsd schema for additional details). Upon receiving the ServiceRequest XML in Global Trade Management, the request is processed synchronously and a ServiceResponse xml is generated as a response to the caller. Note that the Transmission/TransmissionHeader/TransmissionType must be set to "SERVICE" for the synchronous processing to occur.

The ServiceRequest element contains several options for the screening services. A few of the available services are as follows:

Example ServiceRequest Element Options for Screening Services

ElementName (Service) Description
RestrictedParty Used to indicate if the specified party is on the restricted parties list.
SanctionedTerritory Used for transactional screening of territories. The screening uses the rules engine and runs all rules that have a control category of SANCTION. Users specify any number of territories and qualifiers in the LocationInfo element.
Classification Used for transactional searching for global classification based on product description.
ComplianceRule Used for transactional screening of personal information, product and usage information, location information, and user defined conditions.
LicenseDetermination Used to find matching licenses for a license control, based on party, location and user defined code data.

Refer to the GTM.xsd schema file for additional fields in the ServiceRequest and ServiceResponse, and the online help for details on the services.