Message Schema

The Mobile Message infrastructure is used for mobile communication messages sent inbound and outbound to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. These messages are intended for communication to a mobile communication device or sensor. When sent inbound to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud, these messages should be small. The message body can contain text-formatted content, which may be parsed and converted to the Transmission XML when transmission processing is required.

Schema Files

The following schema files contain all definitions for the Message schema:

Schema Files

Schema Name Description
Message Definitions for all Message XML Primary Documents.
Message Content Source Definitions for Message Group implementations for the Content Source infrastructure.

XML Namespaces

XML Namspaces

XSD Schema File Namespace

Primary XML Documents

The following are the primary XML documents in the Message XML schema that are used inbound and outbound to/from Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud:

  • Message: The Message is the primary document used for inbound to and outbound for mobile communication messages. Each message can contain either text based or XML-based content in the message body.
  • MessageAck: The MessageAck is the response message to the receipt of the message. It contains the confirmation for the receipt of the message with an assigned ReferenceMessageId element, or an error if the message was not correctly received.
  • MessageReport: The MessageReport summarizes the errors that were detected during the processing of the message if the Message Body contains 'actionable' content. For example the content could describe a Tracking Event which is translated into a Transmission XML and processed as an Integration message. The report is optionally sent after all the transactions in the Transmission have been completed (successfully processed or generated errors). The request for the MessageReport is indicated in the message in the AckSpec element in the MessageHeader. The MessageReportBody in the MessageReport will include the TransmissionReport that will summarize the errors that were detected during the processing of the Transmission.

Each of these documents is detailed in the Message XML schema file.

In the case where the message is correctly parsed and converted to a Transmission XML for inbound transmission processing, the Transmission Report XML may also be sent as a summary of processing if the AckSpec is specified in the generated Transmission resulting from the parsing.

Application Level Protocol

The following diagram shows when the documents are sent for an inbound Message XML scenario into Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud.This diagram shows when the documents are sent for an inbound Message XML scenario into Oracle Transportation Management.

  1. Message XML document is sent to Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. The nature of the sending component depends on the transport protocol used e.g. it will be an HTTP client if sending message via HTTP POST.
  2. Mobile message is persisted generating a unique Message Reference ID in the process. A data queue event is queued to the MESSAGE IN data queue for later processing of the message content.
  3. A MessageAck document is returned which will contain the Message Reference ID. The nature of the response depends on the transport protocol used e.g. if using HTTP it will be a synchronous response to the initial HTTP POST.
  4. The MESSAGE IN data queue event is polled and run.
  5. If the Message Body contains actionable content a Transmission XML will be staged for processing. The background Transmission processing daemon retrieves the Transmission at some time later and processes it e.g. creates or updates the business object using the original XML message content.
  6. A MessageReport is optionally sent to confirm the status (PROCESSED or ERROR) of the actionable content. Again the report message contains the Message Reference ID for correlation.