Extended Inbound Validation

After Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud has processed a transmission, Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud sends back a Transmission Report to the external system with a list of validation and/or processing errors.

System administrators can set the default level of extended validation that Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud performs. Changing the validation level can improve performance by removing unnecessary queries and logic for validating the data. The default level of validation is specified via the following "glog.integration.validation" property. Refer to the online help for the list of possible values for the property.

If your Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud installation validates all transmissions fully, you can skip validation for certain transmissions on a case-by-case basis. Just include this processing instruction in all transmissions where Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud should skip validation:

<?gc3-xml-process validate_required_fields="N"?>

If instead your Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud installation never validates errors or only validates when receiving persist errors from the Oracle Database, you can get Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to validate certain transmissions on a case-by-case basis. Include this processing instruction in all transmissions Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud should validate:

<?gc3-xml-process validate_required_fields="Y"?>