Transmission Status

Each Transmission sent into Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud has a status field that indicates the state of the Transmission at each stage in the processing. The state of the Transmission will change as it progresses through the various steps outlined in Processing Overview. You can view the status for a Transmission in the Transmission Manager UI that can be accessed via the following menu: Business Process Automation > Integration > Transmission Manager. The status of the transmission could be one of the following:

Transmission Statuses

Status Description
STAGED Indicates that the Transmission has been parsed and is stored in the transmission and transaction tables. An internal event will also be queued which, when triggered, will process the transmission content. No Transmission should stay in a STAGED status permanently. Such a scenario would normally suggest an application configuration issue.
STAGING Indicates that the Transmission has been persisted and is waiting on a condition to be released for processing. In this status, additional transactions can be added to it prior to processing. Refer to Inbound Transmission Staging and Processing for additional details.
FRESH Indicates that the Transmission is waiting to complete processing. The individual transactions may still be processing. Normally a STAGED Transmission will go to FRESH status when its Transactions have been sent to the Mediator for scheduling.
ERROR Indicates that the Transmission had completed processing and there were errors in the processing.
PROCESSED Indicates that the Transmission successfully completed processing.
REDO Indicates that the Transmission is waiting for the REDO logic to initiate re-processing of it. Please refer to the online help for REDO processing.