
Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud supports a number SOAP Web Services for sending messages inbound to the application. All available services are described in the following table.

SOAP Web Services for Sending Inbound to the Application

Service Name Purpose
TransmissionService Process Transmission documents according to the Transmission Schemas.
CommandService Processes requests for DBXML export and import.
Workflow Web Services Process agent actions against one or more existing transactional objects. See the Workflow Web Service section for details.
MessageService Process Mobile Device messages. See the Mobile Device Communications section for details.


All Inbound Web Services default to using a Web Service Security (WSS) policy which requires a Username Token to be passed and to be securely transported over HTTPS.

Accessing Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

Each application server provides a different service endpoint URL for accessing the WSDL file. A WSDL can be accessed via the following menu path: Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager > Retrieve WSDLs on main page.

The page also provides access to any related XSD schema files for each service.

Transmission Service

The Transmission Service is the standard inbound Web Service for processing of Transmission XML documents.

TransmissionService is a SOAP Document Literal WRAPPED style of web service which means the SOAP Body of the SOAP message contains a Transmission XML wrapped in an element which matches the name of the operation to be performed. This style is recommended by the OASIS Web Services Interoperability Basic Profile. See for details.

The service has two operations:-

  • publish: This operation accepts and stages a Transmission for processing and returns a TransmissionAck as response.
  • execute: This operation synchronously processes a Transmission and returns a reply Transmission with the processing results. For example, this operation should be used for RemoteQuery and ServiceRequest interfaces. In future, other interfaces may be supported inbound.

Refer to the TransmissionService WSDL for each operations input and output supported schema types.