Business Process Automation

Report Manager

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Reports
  • Shipment Management > Reports
  • Business Process Automation > Reporting > Report Manager
  • Financials > Reports > Payment Invoice Reports
  • Financials > Reports > Billing Reports
  • Sourcing > Reports
  • Customs > Reports
  • Trade Agreements > Reports
  • Transactions > Reports
  • Licenses and Registrations > Reports

The Report Manager lists a series of pre-defined reports that can be run immediately or later at a scheduled time. It also lists any custom reports that your organization may have created and loaded into the database.

The pre-defined reports belong to the PUBLIC domain. User-defined reports are designated by the domain (for example, GUEST) in which they were created.

Note: If you have access to several domains, keep in mind that different domains may display different reports. If you are in a hosted environment, you may have access to other clients' reports.

Note: PDF generation with multi-byte characters requires the ALBANY fonts in the jre/lib/fonts directory.

Note: Due to lack of integrity constraints and indexes on archived schemas, the reports in the Archive group do not perform well. The archive reports should only be run when necessary.

Run Options

To generate a report, use these options:

  • Run Now (online & offline database): Specify a few parameters, the delivery format, and then run the report immediately.
  • Schedule (online & offline database): Schedule the report to run at a specific or recurring time, as well as specify retries and an email address for notification.
  • Note: When entering dates to generate reports, use the DD-MMM-YYYY format (for example, 01-Jan-2007 for January 1, 2007).

Data Options

Here are a few other items related to data in reports and forms:

  • The time zone in reports and forms is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • Though the term service provider is used more often throughout the system, reports and forms display the term carrier instead.
  • UOMs are not displayed in user preferences but rather in the storage UOM.

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