Business Process Automation

Report Set

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Reporting > Report Set Manager.

A report set is a list of reports that can be auto-generated, via automation agents and used for notification purposes. For example, bills of lading, invoices, and transmittal letters can be grouped in a report set to be emailed daily or weekly to a contact or involved party. You create new report sets by selecting existing auto-generated reports.

Auto-generating Report Sets

You can tailor your report sets to the specific needs of your organization, auto-generate the report sets when specified agent events occur, and then push these reports via email to the users and clients that need them. For example, you could create a report set of bills of lading and transmittal letters to be sent to an involved party when shipment actuals are received.

Note: Only auto-generated reports can be included in report sets.

Setting up auto-generated report sets requires that you use both the Report Set Manager and Agent Manager. Follow these procedures:

  • Create a new report set.
  • Create a new agent that specifies the PRINT DOCUMENT agent action to respond to a desired event.
  • Create a new Report type agent that specifies a NOTIFY action to respond to the REPORT READY event.

Adding a Report Set

  1. Enter a unique Report Set ID.
  2. Enter a Report Set Name to further identify the report set.
  3. Select a Domain Name. The selected domain determines where the report set is saved.


  1. Select one or more Report IDs. This drop-down list displays the reports with a marked Can Auto Generate check box. The ALERT REPORT refers to the Order and Shipment Exceptions report.

    Note: Only auto-generated reports can be included in report sets.

  2. Click Save for each report you selected.
  3. Click Finished.

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