Business Process Automation


This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Reports.

This page enables you to name, modify, and rearrange the reports that appear in the Report Manager and/or in the Reports sections of other managers. You can also configure the use of a reporting database as opposed to an operational database which can be used to run analytical reports without interfering with the performance of your operational database (see below).

Note: When you schedule reports, the times on the report take daylight saving time into account, when applicable.

Lifespan of Report Files

Reports are distributed via browser, e-mail attachments or e-mail links (for scheduled reports). Normally, reports for browsers and attachments are immediately discarded; reports for e-mail links are persisted in a cache. These persisted files are removed when first accessed (owned cache) or when space is needed (LRU cache).

These properties allow browser and/or attachment reports to persist for debugging or auditing. Note that if used in conjunction with an owned report cache, the cache directory will grow without bound. If used in conjunction with an LRU report cache, reports needed for e-mail links may be available for much shorted periods.


Report Cache

These properties control how generated reports are stored.

Report content is distributed differently for scheduled vs. ad-hoc requests.

Scheduled reports send out an e-mail which may have embedded content or a link to the report server. If a link, the report must be stored for some period of time.

Ad-hoc reports always attach content to the e-mail. If the attachment exceeds maximum sizes for the mail server, the mail subsystem automatically manages an LRU file cache and replaces the content with a link.

Because of scheduled reports, we recommend setting up the report cache as an LRU file cache. A memory cache cannot be used with scheduled reports. An owned file cache can be used, but reports will be removed when first accessed by a user. Subsequent clicks on the e-mail link will result in an error. If a user never views the report, it will remain indefinitely on disk.

Generating Reports

Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud supports only generating reports, printing reports to a printer, and scheduling to print and email reports. Transportation and Global Trade Management generates the reports online using web services, and displays the report. Then it takes a generated report or document, and submits it to a printer that is configured in Oracle Analytics Publisher.

There are different ways reports can be generated:

Oracle Analytics Publisher on an External Server

In this scenario, the report generation tool is Oracle Analytics Publisher running on an external server. You define a report system to connect directly to a Oracle Analytics Publisher on another server.

Arbitrary HTTP Reports on an External Server

Similar to the Oracle Analytics Publisher option, you have the option of using another reporting tool on another server. You define a report system but choose the report system type of "Other via HTTP". You then define a URL to connect to the other server. See the Report Designer's Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more details on creating such a connection.

Running Reports

Reports can be manually run, from the Report Manager or another Oracle Transportation Management Manager, or auto-generated via an agent. Reports can be printed or emailed in HTML or PDF formats. Public data and user-defined reports provide convenient statistical overviews and useful, printable documents for the transportation logistics process.

There are two types of reports: transactional and analytical.

A transactional report represents a document for a given business object: e.g. a shipment, order or invoice. When defining report parameters, the report is marked as transactional for a given object type if it has one mandatory parameter of that type. A Bill of Lading, for example, could have a single mandatory shipment parameter. Note that it could have additional parameters as long as they do not represent another shipment. Transactional reports allow the system to generate reports from Finder Results and Agents by automatically replacing the business object parameter before submitting the report. A transactional reports automatically appears on the actions menu for its business object. If PUBLIC, it's listed alphabetically under Reports; if in a custom domain, it is available under Custom Reports. Bulk reporting only functions for transactional reports.

Analytical reports are generally statistics against data, such as a report on how many shipments were made in a day. This is different from a transactional report, such as Bill of Lading, which is data tied directly to a particular shipment. In general, analytical reports are report that appear on the Report Manager for a menu, whereas transactional reports appear on the Actions menu for a specific business object. Although depending on how you define the report, a transactional report may also appear on the report manager.

Reports are either "simple" or "consolidated". A simple report runs the report for a single shipment. If you select five shipments, you get five reports. A consolidated report assumes that the report analyzes or consolidates the set of shipments specified to generate a single document. A consolidated commercial invoice, for example, could combine shipments into one single invoice. See Generate Document to know more about report-based consolidated document generation for multiple objects.

Adding a Report:

  1. Enter a Report ID to uniquely identify the report.
  2. Select a Domain Name.
  3. Enter a Report Display Name. The report display name is the name that will appear on the user interface.
  4. Enter a Report Description. For example, the ID could be SUPPLEMENTAL_BILL, the display name "Supplemental Bill Report", and the description "A report of supplemental bills for accounting."
  5. Enter a Report Type. The Report Type field specifies from which manager the report can be run in the user interface (for example, BILLING for the Billing Manager). If the report is to appear in the Report Manager only, leave this field blank. To determine a valid value for this field, hover the mouse pointer over the Reports option on the menu. Examine the status bar while the mouse is hovering and look for a word that is all capitalized. For example, expand the Shipment Management menu. The last option that appears is "Reports". When you hover the mouse over that link, without clicking the link, you will see a long string in the status bar. Specifically look for "type=SHIPMENT". The "type" preface indicates that the following word is a valid value to enter into the Report Type field when defining a report. Some menu options, such as Financials, has two types of reports. In that case you must first expand the Reports option and then hover over the sub-options.
  6. Enter a Data Query Type. When associating a standard document to a report, the system ensures the type of document matches the type of report. This is normally done by deducing the report type from the report parameters. By specifying a Data Query Type on the report, you can supercede this deduction to handle special case documents.
  7. Select the Report Manager Display check box if this report is to be listed on the Report Manager page. Reports can be run from both the Report Manager and from another manager.
  8. Enter a Report System ID. By default, the report system has a setting of DEFAULT. For more information on the DEFAULT report system, see the Report Designer's Guide on the Oracle Help Center. All reports provided in OTM installation point to the default report system.

Report Fields

Note: After you change the Report Group ID of a report, and save your change, the change will take effect at the next login.

  1. In the Security Level field, enter a value from 1 to 3, to specify one of the following security levels. If left blank, the security level specified in the property file (default is 3) is used.
    • 1: Maximum security. Notification via email prompts the users to log on to the server to view the report. Non-authenticated users are denied access to the report.
    • 2: The report is sent directly to the users via email. Security is provided by checking that only the users specified in the Notify action of the appropriate workflow agent are emailed the report. Use this level when a report's PDF file is less than 25K in size.
    • 3: Notification via email includes a link to the server. Security is provided by checking that only the users specified in the Notify action of the appropriate workflow agent are emailed the report. Use this level when a report's PDF file is greater than 25K in size.
  2. Select the Select Via UI check box if this report is to be made available to run directly from the user interface.
  3. Select the Can Auto Generate check box if this report is to be auto-generated by workflow agents. Reports that can be auto-generated can also be generated manually. To auto-generate reports, use the Agent Manager.
  4. The Report Group ID field specifies to which report group the report is related, and under which report group name the report will appear in the Report Manager if Report Manager Display is selected. Report groups are managed in Power Data.
  5. Select a Default Display Format, in which the reports will be generated if not specified otherwise by the user.

    There are different Excel report formats that are supported.

    • Excel (html): Can be enabled for reports with RTF format template and the output is backed by html. It is just a html re named with .xls extension.
    • Excel (mhtml): Can be enabled for reports with RTF format template and the output is backed by mhtml. It is just a mhtml re named with .xls extension.
    • Excel (.xlsx): Can be enabled for reports with RTF format template. This format provides binary content unlike the above two. The file with .xlsx extension.
    • Excel (.xls): Can only be enabled for reports with Excel format template. This format also provides binary content. The file will be with .xls extension.
  6. Use the Report Database field to make your choice of which database to use for a report.
    • On-Line Database (default for all reports): Optional reports such as the Bill of Lading should always be set to use this database.
    • Off-Line Database: Use this option for analytical reports that would typically degrade the performance of the operational database depending on the amount of data that you are reporting.
    • Archive: Archive reports use data from the ARCHIVE_C schema, which includes data purged from normal operations.

      Note: When the system purges data, if any previously purged GID has been reused, there is a chance of having duplicate data in the archive schema. Due to lack of integrity constraints and indexes on archived schemas, the reports in the Archive group do not perform well. The archive reports should only be run when necessary.

  7. Select the Consolidated check box the report can be run against multiple records at the same time and will consolidate the data into one report. Select this check box ONLY when you want to associate a particular report with the Document Type of 'consolidated'. You can then use this Document Type in the Generate Document action to generate a consolidated document. See the explanation of simple and consolidated reports above for more details.

Report System Parameters

Various parameters are automatically passed to the report system on each report request. These include user, region and language  information the report can use to localize the report content. See the Report Designer's Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more details.

  1. Select a Content Type.
    • Embedded: If a third party generator returns embedded content, it can be used as a replacement for Oracle Analytics Publisher. All of the Oracle Transportation Management report content is supported, including distribution and document storage.
    • Browser Only: If the generator supports browser-only content, it accepts Oracle Transportation Management request parameters and returns a synchronous HTTP response that can be piped to the browser. Selecting this option lets you optionally include links or fields no applicable to report content. Oracle Transportation Management will not store or distribute any browser-only content. This is for third party reporting systems that can generate report content based on the URL and Oracle Transportation Management's implicit/explicit report parameters. The returned content may have additional links to the reporting system and should not be distributed or printed by Oracle Transportation Management.
    • None: If the generator supports no content, an alternative URL link is used to generate the report on the report manager. These reports cannot be transactional as they do not accept business object information from Oracle Transportation Management. This is for third party reporting systems that interact with you. The standard Run/Schedule links to the report are not supported, nor are the report included on any action menu. Instead, there is a single Report link in the Third Party Reports section of the Report Manager that directs the browser directly to the third party URL. The system does not add any implicit or explicit query parameters to the URL.
  2. Enter the Report Path for the third party server where the report can be run. This report path is appended to the report path prefix defined on the report system.

Report Parameters

One or more report parameters must be specified and saved for each report. A report parameter is a filter used in generating the report (for example, a date range or a specific business object ID).

Note: Transactional reports are defined by selecting the Mandatory check box and by entering a business type object in the query name.

Click New Report Parameter to add report parameters. The Report Parameter screen will open. The fields that display depend on the parameter type selected.

Parameter types and relevant fields:

  • Date, Date/Time, Decimal Number, String, True/False and Whole Number do not require any extra fields to be populated other than the mandatory ones.
  • All types of finders, except Finder (List only), require a query name to be defined. For Finder (List only), you can specify only one of the following: a Query name, a Saved Query ID, or Query. (The option to select the query will be visible once the finder type parameter is selected from the drop-down).
  • Dynamic List requires you to specify only one of the following: a Query name, a Saved Query ID, or Query.
  • Fixed List requires fixed values to be entered by the user in the required format.

Entering Report Parameters:

  1. Enter a Sequence Number for the parameter (1 for the first, etc.) to determine the order in which it has to appear on the Report Parameter page.
  2. Enter both a Report Parameter Name, (for example, p_starttime) and a corresponding Report Parameter Display Name, the name to appear on the user interface (for example "Shipping Start Time").
  3. Optionally, for the Default Value, enter a value to pre-populate the parameter form.
  4. Select Mandatory if this parameter must be included in the report. Select this check box when defining a transactional report.
  5. Select a Parameter Type (Date, Dynamic List, etc.) for the parameter. You must select Dynamic List or Finder (List Only) if you want to manually enter a query (below).
  6. Fixed Values are values that will appear in the parameter regardless of data in the database. To specify more than one, enter a comma between each value (for example: New York,Paris,London). The multiple values will appear as a drop-down list when the parameter is saved. The correct format is name=value pair form; so SNOWY=snowy,GA=GA.
  7. Enter a Query Name. If you chose a parameter type of Dynamic List or Finder (List only), you will see the Query name, Saved Query ID, and Query fields. Only place a value in one of the fields. The query name is used to determine the finder from which the system selects the values. Enter a business object, such as Shipment, if you are defining a transactional report.
  8. Enter a Saved Query ID. If you chose a parameter type of Dynamic List or Finder (List only), you will see the Query name, Saved Query ID, and Query fields. Only place a value in one of the fields. The Saved Query ID field allows you to enter a saved query to use as a filter for the report. For example, you can use this to filter on source/destination airports so you would only see locations of role airports with those roles, not all airports in the system. You can  provide a SQL select statement that selects no more than two columns. If you selected a parameter type of "Dynamic List" then the property "" determines the number of results returned. If you selected a parameter type of "Finder (List Only)" then the property "" determines the number of results returned. Also, when the parameter type is "Finder (List Only)", your query can display up to 10 columns, out of which the first will be the value selected.
  9. Enter a Query. If you chose a parameter type of Dynamic List or Finder (List only), you will see the Query name, Saved Query ID, and Query fields. Only place a value in one of the fields. Use this field to enter a custom SQL query. You can  provide a SQL select statement that selects no more than two columns. If you selected a parameter type of "Dynamic List" then the property "" determines the number of results returned. If you selected a parameter type of "Finder (List Only)" then the property "" determines the number of results returned. Also, when the parameter type is "Finder (List Only)", your query can display up to 10 columns, out of which the first will be the value selected.
  10. Click Save for each report parameter you define.

Report Additional Parameters

These parameters will be used to generate the Automated Export System (AES) filing report and Customs Commercial Invoice (CCI) report.

Note: Change the value of the property glog.reports.useReportAddlParams to 'true' for the parameters to take effect while generating reports.

AES filing report parameters:


New in Version

Functional Description



This is your AES transmitter ID.

There is no default value.



This is your AES filer ID.

There is no default value.



This is the password you must provide to access the AES system.

There is no default value.



Indicates if the current environment is for production or for testing.

There is no default value.



This is the quantity qualifier that will be sent to AES.

Default value is ORDERED.



This is the value qualifier that will be sent to AES.

Default value is TOTAL VALUE.



This is the reference qualifier that will be sent to AES.

Default value is BN (bill of lading number).



Identifies the source of the foreign entity information that will be used when communicating via AES. There is no default value. The foreign entity will be a GTM Party Reference Number Qualifier.

Default value is FOREIGN ENTITY.



This is the time zone information that will be sent to AES.

Default value is US/Eastern.



Indicates if an alternate code can be used if a specific code type does not exist. The alternate for HTS US is SCHEDULE B and vice-versa. For example, if you specify a preference for reporting HTS US code, then in the absence of an HTS US code on the declaration line, the template will use a SCHEDULE B code.

The values allowed for the property are YES and NO. The default value for this property is YES.



Specifies why product classification code type should be reported. The value can be either HTS US or SCHEDULE B. The default value is HTS US.



Specifies which value on the Declaration Line must be reported as the License Value, when the License Code is one of the following codes: LVS(C35), GFT(C43), or STA(C59).

Default value is LICENSE VALUE.


Customs Commercial Invoice report parameters:


New in Version

Functional Description



Default: SHIP FROM



Default: SHIP TO



Default: BILL TO



Default: ITN (Internal Transaction Number returned by AES)















Default: ORDERED















Default: SUB TOTAL



Default: FREIGHT






Default: TAX






Default: HS



Enter printer settings to override the default printer settings for this particular report.

  1. Enter a Printer ID.
  2. Select the Orientation for the image on the printed page.

    Note: Changing orientation can be tricky when using operating system utilities to convert content to postscript. For example, when CUPS converts a PDF to postscript it automatically reorients the PDF to landscape if its margins exceed portrait size. The IPP orientation setting is applied after this conversion. Thus, specifying "landscape" for a PDF may still result in it reorienting to "portrait". Some printers may crop such a document, while others might prompt for special-sized paper. Generally, you should only set orientation when dealing solely with postscript content.

  3. Select how many Sides onto which you want to print. Duplex printing is two-sided printing, along the long edge of the paper. Tumble printing is two-sided printing along the short edge of the paper.
  4. Enter the Number of Copies.
  5. Select the paper tray/size in the Media drop-down.
  6. Click Save for each printer you define.

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