Configuration and Administration

glog.bipreports Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




When a custom action would result in a bulk reporting prompt, this property controls whether the user goes straight to the bulk reporting results screen with defaults. If set to true, the user must register interest in REPORT - READY events or the generated reports will not be distributed.


glog.bipreports.cleanup.<report>.files=<comma-delimited list of file wildcards to clean.

See WildcardFileSearch for syntax.>.<# of days old a file must be for cleaning>.<# of minutes between cleanup checks>.


A cleanup type specifies some group of files in a common directory to scan. See the Report Designer's Guide on the Oracle Help Center.



This property controls how XML is generated for Integration-based data XML generation. This is used while validating standard documents.

Set this to true to have integration XML for reports to be formatted for readability.

Default: false



This property controls how XML is generated for Integration-based data XML generation. This is used while validating standard documents.

If true, the <?xml> instruction is stripped from the output.

Default: false



This property controls how XML is generated for Integration-based data XML generation. This is used while validating standard documents.

If true, the OTM namespace is stripped from the output. If false, the report designer must make sure to add the <?namespace:x=> tag at the top of their format template and prefix all elements with a namespace of x:.

Default: false



This property controls how XML is generated for Integration-based data XML generation. This is used while validating standard documents.

When set to true, the full Transmission XML is output. Set it to true if you are basing reports on the full schema. If it is set to false, only the specific GlogElement is included.

Default: false



Specifies the optional fields to include on all report email requests. The different field options to be displayed for distributing an ad-hoc report by email.

Default: subject

Values are in a comma-delimited list of prompts for ad-hoc e-mails: subject, body and/or host.



If true, scheduled report email file attachments should be given a name equal to the REPORT_LOG primary key. Otherwise, they are assigned a more legible name - the translated report name.



Specifies the different field options to be displayed for distributing an ad-hoc report to a printer. Comma-delimited list of prompts for ad-hoc printing:

Can be: copies and/or pages


Suppress report removal after the creating of an email attachment.

false: Reports distributed to email as attachments will not be persisted.

true: Reports distributed to email as attachments will be persisted.

See Reports for more details.

Default: false


Suppress report removal when a report is run and displayed on-screen.

false: Reports distributed to browser will not be persisted.

true: Reports distributed to browser will be persisted.

See Reports for more details.

Default: false


Suppress report removal after a scheduled report is first served to a remote user.

false: Reports distributed by email using links will not be persisted.

true: Reports distributed to email using links will be persisted.

See Reports for more details.

Default: true


Suppresses report removal when a report is run and printed.

false: Reports distributed to printer  will not be persisted.

true: Reports distributed to printer will be persisted.

See Reports for more details.

Default: false<filename prefix>


Report filenames are dependent on the use case.

  • Unscheduled reports are a concatenation of the filename prefix and a unique identifier from Java's temporary file utilities.
  • Schedule reports are a concatenation of the domain name, report name, report log ID and a unique identifier.

Default: report-


Controls how report content, generated on the application server, is returned to the web server for browser display. If the web server and application server can share a common directory for report content (e.g. they are on the same physical machine), it is better to return a file reference to the web and avoid transferring large datasets across RMI. If, however, the web and application server are on separate machines, the content data is returned as a stream of bytes.

If false, generated reports are returned across RMI. If true, they are written to a shared directory and the temporary filename is returned across RMI. The property default changes previous behavior but is compatible with any architecture. If you run the web and application servers on a single server, you should set this property to true.<memory|owned|lru>


Specifies store type for final reports.

Type of cache:

   memory = reports are written into memory streams

   owned  = reports are written to a temporary file, deleted when a user first views the report

   lru  = reports are written to a temporary file, managed by a Least Recently Used cache.

Default: lru


If true, documents attached to a report will be saved as binary content if the format mime type starts with text. If false, documents attached to a report will be saved as text file if the format mime type starts with text.

The default value is true.



Defines class to be used for forming the SOAP request to be sent to Oracle Analytics Publisher. Supports only 11g and 12c. Valid values: (default)


Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.

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