Configuration and Administration

glog.print Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version


glog.print.bipDeliveryProperty.<BIP field name>=<BIP Property Value>


Use this property to globally set the Oracle Analytics Publisher parameter defined in the Oracle Analytics Publisher Java class OTM uses java reflection to look up the property string from a field member of IPPPropertyDefinitions. This avoids the need to know the precise property string expected by Oracle Analytics Publisher, but is limited to public, static fields declared in IPPPropertyDefinitions.

To use this variant, set this property. E.g., set glog.print.bipDeliveryProperty.IPP_RESPONSE_CHECK_INTERVAL=0

to set the response check interval to 0.

glog.print.bipProperty.<BIP Property Name>=<BIP Property Value>


Allows you to globally set Oracle Analytics Publisher IPP parameters when submitting IPP print requests from OTM. To add an IPP parameter, set this property. The parameter will be added to the set of parameters OTM passes to Oracle Analytics Publisher for IPP handling.

E.g., set "glog.print.bipProperty.IPP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CHECK_INTERVAL:Integer"=0

To set the response check interval to 0.

Note that OTM is not responsible for the validity, behavior or performance of these parameters. The parameters should be set in coordination with Oracle Analytics Publisher.



This property controls to which version of Oracle Analytics Publisher OTM should conform. If <version>=, the integer orientation will be used; otherwise, the string orientation is passed. The default is

Different versions of Oracle Analytics Publisher use a variety of settings on how to determine if you will print with either a "portrait" or "landscape" orientation. For, the <printerOrientation> element should be specified as 'portrait' or 'landscape'. In, these values work fine. But is expecting the old integer constants from the API. I.e. 3 means portrait, 4 means landscape.

Note that seems to work with either the integer or string representation of orientation.

Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.



OTM supports CUPS servers with and without cups-pdf.

The following set of properties determine what document types support internal conversion via cups-pdf or some other package, and which require a Printer Conversion utility:


This is a multiple value property where <type> is one of html, pdf, rtf, excel, xml, gif, jpeg, png, tiff. By default, all of these types are assumed to be supported by the driver. If you have a Cups server without cups-pdf support, you should add:

    !remove glog.print.supportedCupsFormat

to your properties file. If you have a Cups server with inherent support for images, but not pdf, add:

    !remove glog.print.supportedCupsFormat=pdf

to your properties file. There is currently no support for multiple CUPS servers, one supporting cups-pdf and one not. By default, OTM assumes that a CUPS printer has cups-pdf installed.



To delegate printing to use the DEFAULT report system (the Oracle Analytics Publisher server defined by the DEFAULT report system), set this property to false. The default is false.

All printing requests will then use the deliveryService() method of the ScheduleService Web Service API. Details on this service can be found in Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

To use the Web Service API, you must first add printer(s) on the Oracle Analytics Publisher server as an administrator. Each printer is defined with a name, a URI, optional security information and optional proxy information. Once defined, you should verify the printer setup by printing a test report directly from the Oracle Analytics Publisher server. Refer to Oracle Analytics Publisher documentation if printing is unsuccessful.

Once verified, a Oracle Analytics Publisher Printer can by used by an OTM printer. For this use case, note that:

1) The Host field is not needed but is required by the current UI. Enter N/A.

2) The Path field should hold the Printer name defined in the Oracle Analytics Publisher server.

3) The following fields are not used: Use Full URL, Port, Authentication, User, Password, Encryption, Character Set, Language, Format, CUPS Server, Use Chunked Body. Only information for Orientation, Sides, Number of Copies and Media is forwarded to Oracle Analytics Publisher.

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