Business Process Automation

Sample Report

Reports provide useful information for effective decision-making in the logistics process. They can help you manage and measure logistics suppliers' performance. Analytical reports (Projected Late Shipments, Carrier Capacity Commitment, and so on) allow you to view detailed analysis of business processes by various categories to help identify problems, patterns, and areas for improvement. You can also use the system to generate standard shipping forms such as bills of lading and packing lists.

Reporting functionality spans the entire life cycle of the system, complimenting Shipment Management and Financials. Reporting consists of a series of pre-defined documents available to generate, view, and print. You can also schedule reports to run in batch mode and receive them via email messages. The system includes both standard shipping forms and performance, capacity and miscellaneous reports.

Many pre-defined sample forms and reports are available for use in the Report Manager and other Managers (for example, Shipment Manager and Payment Invoice Manager). However, your organization may want to create user-defined reports to retrieve and present additional information. A user-defined report is any new report, or modified pre-defined report, that is created with an outside reporting tool and then integrated into the database.

Creating user-defined reports is a technical process. You must create and add new reports to the database without the assistance of the user interface. Therefore, you should possess basic knowledge of Oracle™ Reports, as well as report creation tasks prior to attempting this process. You must also know how to populate the database tables.

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