Fleet Management

Hours of Service (HOS) Daily Summary

This page is accessed via Fleet Management > Driver Management > Driver Manager > Actions > Fleet Management > View > Driver HOS Daily Summary.

This page contains information regarding the work, drive, and rest history of a driver. This type of data is generally retrieved daily from a driver. It is displayed using the driver's default home location time zone, if it is defined. Otherwise it uses the user preference time zone. HOS information can also be entered via the Tracking Event Manager: Driver tab. Tracking Event can support both continuous and period rules. The HOS Daily Summary only supports period rules.

  1. Select the Domain Name.
  2. Enter the Date and Time.
  3. Enter the Time Worked.
  4. Enter the Time Driven.
  5. Select the Actual check box if this is actual time. When entering the time manually, it is probably the actual time so this check box should be selected.
  6. Click Save for each summary entered.
  7. Click Save.

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