Tracking Event Manager: Driver

This page is accessed via Fleet Management > Visibility > Tracking Event. Click the Driver tab.

This tab enables you to update HOS (hours of service) information for a particular driver.

For Continuous rules: You can report what you have consumed as of now, or what you intend to consume in the future against a given continuous rule. This is accomplished by setting the Date and Time on the Identification tab as well as updating the Hours of Service Rule State below.

For Period rules, there are two possible ways to enter HOS information:

The first way to update period HOS rules is to report your daily consumption against the period HOS rules. In this case, only the Date from the Identification tab is used as a historical value. On this tab, enter data in the Time Worked, Time Driven, and Hours of Service Rule ID fields. For example, you may report something like: 1/14/09 (Identification tab), I drove 9 hours (Driver tab).

The second way to update period HOS rules is to reset the Rule Begin Time. You can use the Hours of Service Rule ID and the Rule Begin Time to enter data such as: I will have completed my 60 hour driving and 34 hour break at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow and will have fresh hours at that time.

Note: Populating this value will indicate to all future period HOS rules that driver history recorded prior to the Rule Begin Time should be ignored during assignment.

This is the only case where the Rule Begin Time field is used.

Note: A given day's reporting of period HOS rules consumption requires a distinct tracking event. If you want to report three days of history, you need to add three separate tracking events.

HOS information can also be entered via the HOS Daily Summary. Tracking Event can support both continuous and period rules. The HOS Daily Summary only supports period rules.   You can provide explicit and detailed HOS rule states with each driver related tracking event. When HOS rule state information is not provided for an update stop times tracking event, the HOS rule state will be estimated based on the most recent data available. This data is retrieved from the end of the previous shipment because OTM does not store HOS rule states at the shipment stop level. HOS rule states are only stored on the Driver Assignment. They represent the state at the end of an assigned shipment.  

When HOS rule states are not populated for a tracking event, the states from the end of the driver's previous shipment are retrieved. The tracking event shipment is then driven from the start to the location of the tracking event to adjust the HOS rule states.

Note: This drive of the tracking event shipment does not update any stop times on the shipment, it is only used to determine estimated HOS rule states at the location of the tracking event.

The adjusted HOS rule states are then used as the current states at the time and location of the tracking event. Any time discrepancy between the tracking event time and the estimated stop time for the drive from the start of the shipment is not accounted for in the HOS rule states. If a HOS rule state is provided on the tracking event for one HOS rule then it should be provided for all applicable HOS rules.

Let’s look at a scenario to determine how HOS rule state is considered.

In this specific scenario, there are two shipments, A and B assigned to a driver. When a tracking event is raised on one of the stops of the second shipment B and HOS rule state information is not provided then while recalculating stop times, HOS rule state is considered based on the previous shipment. Shipment B is re-driven from the start using the HOS rule states from the end of the previous shipment. It is driven up to the stop associated with the tracking event to update the HOS rule states. Now, the tracking event can be performed using the updated rule states.

For example: The driver has a 14 hours (H) work rule and an 11H drive rule. End of shipment A is at 13:00 on Tuesday and the driver has 10H left on the work rule and 8H left on the drive rule.

Original (prior to tracking event) drive of shipment B, started and departed stop 1 at 13:00 Tuesday, arrived and departed stop 2 at 15:00 Tuesday, and arrived and finished the shipment at stop 3 at 17:00 Tuesday.  At the end of shipment B the HOS rule states were 6H left on the work rule and 4H left on the drive rule.

A tracking event is entered for arrival at stop 2 on shipment B. The tracking event indicates an arrival time of 16:00 Tuesday (1hour later than planned) and has provided no associated HOS rule states. OTM must now calculate estimated HOS rule states to associate with the tracking event time and location. The HOS rule state estimation drive starts at 13:00 Tuesday, using the HOS rule states from the end of shipment A (10H left to work and 8H left to drive). The estimation for stop 2 is an arrival at 15:00 Tuesday with 8H left to work and 6H left to drive. Stop 2 is the stop associated with the tracking event, so 8H remaining on the work rule and 6H remaining on the drive rule becomes the HOS rule states associated with the tracking event time and location.

Now, the normal tracking event processing can commence using stop 2 as the location, 16:00 Tuesday as the arrival time, and 8H remaining work and 6H remaining drive as the HOS rule states. The tracking event processing results in the following changes to shipment B:  stop 2 arrival and departure time of 16:00 Tuesday, stop 3 arrival and shipment end at 18:00 Tuesday, and the HOS rule states at the end of shipment B are 6H left to work and 4H left to drive (these were calculated by subtracting the 2H of work and drive time that occurred between the tracking event time or location and the end of the shipment from the estimated HOS rule states for the tracking event).

Note: In this example, the HOS rule states at the end of shipment B are the same before and after the tracking event. The 1hour extra time spent on shipment B is not accounted for in the HOS rules because OTM cannot know where or how that time was spent. HOS rule states would need to be provided in the tracking event for OTM to gain this knowledge.

The process of utilizing estimated HOS rule state in a tracking event consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a tracking event agent that listens to X1, X3, and CAT/CAL events and update the shipments stop time using the RECALCULATE SHIPMENT STOP TIMES agent action.
  2. Create tracking events without HOS rule states. For example, you must create X1, X3, and CAT/CAL tracking events to update actual times and estimated times on shipment stops.
  3. Observe that HOS states are properly updated in the driver assignment and the stop times are properly updated in the shipment.

After executing the above steps, the results can be determined by examining the changes made to estimated and/or actual stop times on the shipments, and examining the HOS rule states associated with the end of the tracking event shipment. The HOS rule states can be examined using the Driver Manager utility action that shows Driver Assignments.


Adding a Tracking Event

  1. Enter a Driver ID.
  2. Select a Driver Reference Number Qualifier ID.
  3. Enter a Driver Reference Number.
  4. Enter a Power Unit ID.
  5. Enter a Power Unit Reference Number Qualifier ID.
  6. Enter a Power Unit Reference Number.
  7. Enter a Driver Calendar Event ID.

Hours of Service Rule Summary

  1. Enter the Time Worked.
  2. Enter the Time Driven.

Hours of Service Rule State

  1. Enter an Hours of Service Rule ID.
  2. Enter the Activity Time Utilized if you are entering a continuous rule-based consumption (see above).
  3. Enter the Rule Begin Time if you are entering a period-based consumption (see above).
  4. Enter the Activity Time Remaining. You can either enter the Activity Time Utilized (above) or enter the Activity Time Remaining.
  5. Click Save for each rule you define.

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