Contract and Rate Management

Hours of Service (HOS) Rule

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Hours of Service > HOS Rule.

This page allows you to define basic hours of service (HOS) rules. These are then used to build HOS Rule Sets. For example, to define US rules you would define the following three rules:

  • A continuous 11 hour drive rule means the driver must rest after driving 11 hours. Once 11 hours of driving have occurred, the driver must rest for at least 10 hours. It is possible for the rest period to end before the end of the day, thereby allowing him to drive more within that same day. For example, drive from 00:00 to 11:00, rest from 11:00 to 21:00 and then drive until 24:00. This results in a total of 14 hours of drive time within one calendar day but does not violate the 11 hour continuous rule.
  • A continuous 14 hour work rule specifying that a driver cannot work for more than 14 hours in a given day, even if he is not driving ( the driver may be loading or unloading). Then the driver must rest for 10 hours before driving again.
  • Period based 60 hour drive rule specifying that for any given 7 day period, drivers are restricted from driving more than 60 hours without taking a 34 hour break.

    The period duration is not meant to trigger a break. It is the time over which the activity hours are accumulated, and it is a rolling period. A driver can work every single day of the year without ever taking a 34 hour break as long as he never works more than 60 hours in any consecutive 7 days. For example, if his work time is 8 hours every day, any 7 day period would have only 56 hours of work so he would never need to take a 34 hour break. However, if he happens to take a 34 hour break at some point, his period is reset which may allow him to work more than 60 hours in 7 consecutive days. For example, if his work time for 7 days is as follows 14H, 11H, 11H, 13H, 0H with a reset, 11H, that would give him 71H in a 7 day period, but he took a 34 hour break after 60 hours so he is still okay.

    Period rule types should not be used with an activity type of 'All'. This would be similar to setting up a continuous rule with an activity type of 'All'. It is best to use Continuous.

See Adding and Applying U.S. HOS Rules for more detail on setup.

Adding an HOS Rule

  1. Enter a unique HOS Rule ID.
  2. Optionally, enter a Description.
  3. Enter an HOS Rule Type. What you select here, determines what fields appear on the Details tab. Continuous applies continuously based upon end of last rest time You may call for a rest after 14 hours. Period is for a range. For a 7 day period, you may define that only 60 hours may be worked in the 7 days.
  4. Select a Domain Name or accept the default.
  5. Click Details to complete the HOS Rule.

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