Contract and Rate Management

Hours of Service (HOS) Rule Details

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Hours of Service > HOS Rule. Click the Details tab.

This page allows you to add details for hours of service (HOS) rules. The fields that display on this page depend on the HOS Rule Type you selected on the header page: Continuous or Period. Period based HOS Rules start at midnight to define the driver's day. The time zone used is that of the default home location on the Driver manager.

Details for Type Continuous

  1. Enter the Activity Time. The time is a maximum and the activities counted against the maximum do not have to be contiguous.
  2. Select the Activity Type: Drive, Work or All. Drive, Work or All. Drive counts time spent driving. Work includes working, driving and waiting (not resting). All includes drive, work and any rest intervals i.e., non-work, which are shorter than the minimum rest time. 

  3. If you select the Allow Rest check box, the rest duration will be inserted when max activity time is reached. Leave "Allow Rest" unchecked if there is a maximum duration for shipments. If your HOS Rule leaves "Allow Rest" unchecked, you may get an incorrect result if you do not specify a "Min Rest Time"; even a value of 1 minute .
  4. Enter the minimum rest time required in the Min Rest Time field.
  5. The Rest is Triggered by Work check box controls the occurrence of a rest period in the middle of the stop. If not selected and the maximum work time is exceeded at a stop, work activity at that stop is completed and the rest period taken prior to the start of the next drive activity. If selected, the rest period will be taken prior to any more work or drive activity.
  6. Click Finished.

Note: Wait time exceeding the minimum rest time is considered as rest and not counted as work.

Details for Type Period

  1. Enter the Activity Time. The time is a maximum and the activities counted against the maximum do not have to be contiguous.
  2. Select the Activity Type: Drive, Work or All. Drive counts time spent driving. Work includes working, driving and waiting (not resting). All includes drive, work and any rest intervals i.e., non-work, which are shorter than the minimum rest time. For example, if a driver loads for 2 hours, drives 9, unloads 2 and then rests 3 hours to reach midnight and pickup more time for a period based rule. Using "Work" the driver would be allowed to work or drive another hour before hitting the 14 hour maximum. (The 3 hour rest is not counted against the rule). Using "All" the 14 hour maximum is treated as elapsed time so the driver would violate the rule after one hour of rest. To prevent the violation, the 3 hour rest period will be extended to 10 hours in order to refresh the rule. The activity type is considered when determining Hours Work Remaining for a driver.
  3. If you select the Allow Rest option, the rest duration will be inserted when max activity time is reached. If your HOS Rule leaves "Allow Rest" unchecked, you may get an incorrect result if you do not specify a "Min Rest Time"; even a value of 1 minute .
  4. Enter the Period Duration in hours.
  5. Enter the minimum rest time required in the Min Rest Time field in hours. This is the amount of rest required before resetting the period. For example, you may have it set up that 34 hours off would restart the period if it is a rolling period.
  6. Enter the minimum time separation between reset breaks in the Min Reset Separation field.
  7. The Rest is Triggered by Work option controls the occurrence of a rest period in the middle of the stop. If not selected and the maximum work time is exceeded at a stop, work activity at that stop is completed and the rest period taken prior to the start of the next drive activity. If selected, the rest period will be taken prior to any more work or drive activity.
  8. Use the Reset Window Begin and Reset Window End fields to specify the beginning and ending times of the daily time window during which a reset break must begin.
  9. Click Finished.

Note: Wait time exceeding the minimum rest time is considered as rest and not counted as work.

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