Business Process Automation

Audit Control (for Before/After Value Configuration)

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Audit Trail Management > Audit Control.

After Before/After Value Auditing has been enabled, a detailed audit for every event that is currently configured for audit is saved.

To constrain the amount of audit data collected, you can create an active Audit Control which causes audit data to be collected for only those business objects that you select and configure in the object selection grid on this page.

Configure the following parameters for the Audit Control and then choose the business objects (Data Query Type) to configure for auditing before/after data.

  • Audit Domain allows you to select where the audit data is stored.
  • Audit On determines whether this audit control is active or not. There can be only one Audit Control active at a time.
  • Domain Name this is the domain of the audited data.

Business Object Selection

Use the Data Query Type field to identify the business objects that you do not want audited for before/after data changes. Select one or more business objects from the list.

Turn off the Audit On check box to ensure that these business objects are not audited (since the default setting is on or marked).

After you save the Audit Control, no before/after data value changes will be collected during an audit and displayed in the Audit Trail.

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