Business Process Automation

Contact Manager

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Communication Management > Contacts.

Use the Contact Manager to create a new contact and record its details, such as contact method, language, and time zone. Use the Notification tab to define the communication methods used to notify the contact and the events in which the contact will receive messages.

Use contacts when completing the following tasks:

  • Creating corporations, service providers, and locations: Attach each contact to a location or service provider. The contact is automatically associated with the corporation attached to the location or service provider you choose. This tells others in the system who to contact regarding various events, such as tendering and delivery service.
  • Auditing: To view the history of any record, you must first create a contact and select AUD as your communication method.
  • Web Tendering: To tender offers to service providers, you must set that service provider and yourself up as contacts.

Contact information appears on related documents, such as invoices and billing statements. Record all necessary attributes for a contact as this information appears on email, fax and XML transmission messages sent to the contact.

Adding Contacts

  1. Enter a Contact ID to uniquely identify the person.
  2. Enter a First Name and Last Name to appear on messages that are sent.
  3. Enter a Job Title. The job title also appears on messages that Oracle Transportation Management sends to the contact.
  4. Enter an Email Address for the contact, if you want them to receive email.
  5. Enter a Audit Domain Name. This field determines the domain where audit records are stored. Only use this field if you are setting up a contact for auditing purposes.
  6. Select a Language Spoken from the drop-down list. The language spoken determines the language used to send notifications and tenders. If blank, Oracle Transportation Management sends information in English. In order to send faxes for a language other than English, in addition to the language selection, property glog.notify.localizeStylesheet must be set to TRUE. The language spoken corresponds with a language/country combination.

    Note: Non-supported languages, e.g. Croatian, have been added to the user interface so you can create your own translations and get emails and faxes in the appropriate language.


    Language Spoken

    (on Contact Manager)



    Belarussian Belarusian Belarus
    Chinese (Simplified) Chinese China
    Chinese (Traditional) Chinese Taiwan
    Croatian Croatian Croatia
    Czech Czech Czech Republic
    Dutch Dutch Netherlands
    English English United States
    Finnish Finnish Finland
    French French France
    French (Canadian) French Canada
    German German Germany
    Hungarian Hungarian Hungary
    Italian Italian Italy
    Japanese Japanese Japan
    Korean Korean South Korea
    Latvian Latvian Latvia
    Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuania
    Norwegian Norwegian Norway
    Polish Polish Poland
    Portuguese (Brazilian) Portuguese Brazil
    Russian Russian Russia
    Serbian Serbian Serbia
    Slovak Slovak Slovakia
    Slovene Slovenian Slovenia
    Spanish (World Wide) Spanish Spain
    Spanish (Castillian) Spanish Spain
    Spanish (Mexican) Spanish Mexico
    Swedish Swedish Sweden
    Thai Thai Thailand
    Turkish Turkish Turkey
    Ukrainian Ukrainian Ukraine

  7. Enter phone, fax and telex numbers for the contact. Phone 1, phone 2, and telex is for your reference when you selected Manual as your communication method. Oracle Transportation Management does not use the values. Fax number is required if you want to send faxes to this person. (Provided the optional FAXmaker software has been installed on the Oracle Transportation Management server.)
  8. Select a User ID if you want this person to use the Message Center to review messages.
  9. Find or create an External System ID to which you want Oracle Transportation Management to send interface transmissions. Oracle Transportation Management can also send interface transmissions to an involved party qualifier.
  10. Use the Location field to associate a contact with a location or service provider.

    Note: To search for a service provider to associate with the contact, enter the service provider in the Location search field.

  11. Select the Virus Protected check box to indicate that the contact's mail browser supports virus checking.
  12. Enter any Notes about the contact. Notes can contain any kind of information you want for reference purposes only.
  13. Enter a Consolidation Profile if you are using consolidated notification. If a consolidation profile is entered, it will apply to all contact notifications for this contact.
  14. Enter a From Address Contact.
  15. Select a Time Zone.
  16. Select a Domain Name.
  17. Select the Consolidated Notify Only check box if the only notification sent is to be consolidated and the communication method is Email, Fax, or Message Center. If this setting is not made for the general contact, it can be defined for specific scenarios by the same field on the Notification tab, and on the Contact Notification Manager. The Consolidated Notify Only field also affects how the Send Notify Now check box functions on the Withdraw a Tender and Decline Tender actions.
  18. Select the Notification On check box to use notification. If this check box is not selected, no notification will be sent to the contact.
  19. Enter a Printer. If the communication method for reaching this contact is "PRINT", then communications will go to this printer.
  20. Enter a Cell Phone number for the contact. Do not include special characters such as "+" and "-".
  21. Select the Use Message Hub check box if messages to the contact should be stored in the Message Hub.
  22. Enter a Message Profile ID.


Use this section to define preferred settings when sending messages (this does not apply to HTTPPOST and EDI).

  1. Select a Preference from the drop-down list. A preference determines the length, weight and volume unit of measure that appears on messages and the format of the Run On date on report email notifications. You can also specify a Theme ID or Stylesheet Location to control the content/format of messages sent. Web Proxy lets you direct messages via a specific proxy.
  2. Enter a Value for the preference you selected. The Value field lists possible choices based on the preference that you selected. The validation process used to list values based on your preference selection is also done when passing data in via the Contact interface. If you attempt to pass a value in through integration that does not match a valid preference, an error is received.
  3. Click Save for each preference that you define.

Shipper Corporation

Use this section to associate a contact with a specific Shipper Corporation. Establishing this relationship allows a service provider to designate different people in their company as the primary contact for a particular client it services. For instance, a service provider moves freight for three different clients. Instead of having every tender go to the same contact, you can filter the tenders based on each client. Each service provider employee would receive contacts only when their client is involved based on setting the contact shipper corporation relationship.

For example, a service provider, named TRANSPORT KING, has two clients CHEMICAL and STEEL that it provides transport services to. The service provider, wants John Doe to handle tender requests from CHEMICAL and Steve Smith to handle Tender Requests from STEEL. In this case, John Doe would receive any shipments that belong to the CHEMICAL client with TRANSPORT KING as the service provider. Steve Smith would receive those that belong to the STEEL client with TRANSPORT KING as the service provider. Oracle Transportation Management uses the primary contact or dispatch location contact specified if the shipment tendered to the service provider does not have this relationship defined.

  1. Enter a Shipper Corporation.
  2. Click Save for each shipper corporation you specify.

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