Business Process Automation

Contact Notification Manager

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Communication Management > Contact Notification.

Use this page to configure the contacts/contact groups that should receive notifications for an event. You can also make event assignments by contact or contact group using the Contact and Contact Group managers.

Note: Some contact notifications do not support alert notifications.

Contact Notification

  1. Enter the Subject ID to identify the event. For example, ORDER BASE - CREATED is the event that occurs when a new order base is added by a user or via integration.
  2. Enter the Subject Text to provide a brief description of the event.
  3. Enter a Function ID to identify the event category that relates to specific business objects such as orders, shipments, invoices, and bills.
  4. If the notification includes involved parties, select the Supports Involved Parties check box. The Involved Parties section appears. This indicates that the event support involved parties.
  5. If the notification includes service providers, select the Support Service Provider check box. The Service Provider section appears. This indicates that the event support service providers.
  6. If the event supports documents, select the Support Documents check box. The Document Type field is then available in the Communication Methods section.
  7. If the notification includes drivers, select the Support Driver check box. The Driver section appears.
  8. Select the For Message check box if the contact notification is used for messages in the Message Hub.


Use this section to identify the contacts/contact groups that should be notified when this event occurs.

  1. Enter a Contact ID to associate a contact or contact group with the event.
  2. The Acting As field identifies the role that a contact is playing in regard to the business object. This field is visible if you select the Supports Involved Parties check box.
  3. Select a Communication Method to identify the type of notification that a contact receives. You can also send notifications to the Message Center.
  4. Stylesheet controls the format of the message by communication method. Oracle Transportation Management provides default stylesheet assignments for several communication methods and events. Default stylesheets are automatically applied. If you want to override the default stylesheet, select a stylesheet here. Only stylesheets not designated as a default are displayed in the drop-down.
  5. Use the Restrictions field to define event parameters that restrict when events occur. Restrictions are qualifying parameters. Based on the particular event, you may want to restrict response to the event by parameters specific to the event. For example, you can have events raised when integration activity or user interface activity occurs or you can choose restrictions by event group. The Restriction parameters that are available depend on the event you are editing and with some events, there may not be any restrictions.
  6. Enter a Consolidation Profile if you are using consolidated notification. If a consolidation profile is entered, it will apply to all contact notifications for this contact. 
  7. Select the Consolidated Notify Only check box if the only notification sent is to be consolidated and the Communication Method is Email, Fax, or Message Center. If the general contact record does not have this field selected, select the field here on the Notification tab to establish a consolidation for this specific subject. The Consolidated Notify Only field also affects how the Send Notify Now check box functions on the Withdraw a Tender and Decline Tender actions.

Involved Parties

This section appears when the Supports Involved Parties check box is selected. In addition to configuring event notifications for specific contacts or contact groups, you can also configure message notification by involved party qualifiers. This section functions similarly to the Contacts section.

  1. Select an Involved Party Qualifier ID.
  2. Select a Communication Method.
  3. Select a Stylesheet. See above for more details on stylesheet selection.
  4. Enter a Consolidation Profile if you are using consolidated notification. If a consolidation profile is entered, it will apply to all contact notifications for this contact. 
  5. Select the Consolidated Notify Only check box if the only notification sent is to be consolidated and the Communication Method is Email, Fax, or Message Center. If the general contact record does not have this field selected, select the field here on the Notification tab to establish a consolidation for this specific subject. The Consolidated Notify Only field also affects how the Send Notify Now check box functions on the Withdraw a Tender and Decline Tender actions.
  6. Click Save for each involved party qualifier you specify.

Service Providers and Drivers

This Service Provider section appears only if the Supports Service Provider check box is selected. The Drivers portion only appears if the Supports Drivers check box is selected.

Service Providers

  1. Select the Service Provider check box if you want the service provider that is associated with the business object to receive notification about the event.
  2. Select a Communication Method.
  3. Select a Stylesheet Template. See above for more details on stylesheet selection.
  4. Enter a Consolidation Profile if you are using consolidated notification. If a consolidation profile is entered, it will apply to all contact notifications for this contact.
  5. Select the Consolidated Notify Only check box if the only notification sent is to be consolidated and the Communication Method is Email, Fax, or Message Center. If the general contact record does not have this field selected, select the field here on the Notification tab to establish a consolidation for this specific subject. The Consolidated Notify Only field also affects how the Send Notify Now check box functions on the Withdraw a Tender and Decline Tender actions.


  1. Select the Driver check box if you want the driver that is associated with the business object to receive notification about the event.
  2. Select a Driver Option. You can choose between sending the notification to the Primary driver, Secondary driver, or the driver Team.
  3. Select a Communication Method.
  4. Select a Stylesheet Template. See above for more details on stylesheet selection.
  5. Enter a Consolidation Profile if you are using consolidated notification. If a consolidation profile is entered, it will apply to all contact notifications for this contact. 
  6. Select the Consolidated Notify Only check box if the only notification sent is to be consolidated and the Communication Method is Email, Fax, or Message Center. If the general contact record does not have this field selected, select the field here on the Notification tab to establish a consolidation for this specific subject. The Consolidated Notify Only field also affects how the Send Notify Now check box functions on the Withdraw a Tender and Decline Tender actions.

Communication Methods

Use the Communication Methods section to define default stylesheets for the communication methods you use. Any stylesheet set as the default for a method is automatically applied when that method is used. All stylesheets not defined as the default for a communication method are selectable in the Stylesheet drop-downs elsewhere on this page, but only after you have finished saving the contact notification and are editing it later. Do not set more than one default stylesheet for any communication method.

  1. Select a Communication Method.

    Note: Not all communication methods available in the Communication Method drop-down list are supported for all function IDs. Specifically, any function IDs related to Oracle Transportation Sourcing only support the following communication methods: EMAIL, FAX, MESSAGE CENTER, and PRINT. Although you can select other communication methods, you will see errors if you select communication methods not listed here.

    The function IDs related to Oracle Transportation Sourcing include BID_EVENT, BID_ROUND_EVENT, PROCUREMENT_SOLVER, PROJECT_EVENT, and P_SHIPMENT_SET_EVENT.

  2. Enter a Stylesheet.
  3. If you selected the Supports Documents check box earlier, select a Document Type. For contact notifications which support document events of Business Object - Document Requested and Business Object - Document Received, use this field to filter a stylesheet by document type.
  4. If this is the default stylesheet for the communication method, select the Default check box. Only stylesheets not marked as a default will appear in the Stylesheet and Stylesheet Template fields in the preceding sections of the page.

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