Business Process Automation

Sending Messages to the Message Center

The Message Center is a centralized message board that displays messages when specific events occur such as when business objects are created or modified, status changes, etc. Messages are specific to the user that has logged in.

Since messages are based on specific events, review the list of events to determine the notifications that you want to receive.

Creating a New Contact

Note: Specify a User ID on the contact if you want this person to use the Message Center to review messages.

  1. Create a new Contact.
  2. Enable contact notification as detailed below.

Enabling Contact Notification

You can enable via either the Notification tab of the Contact manager or the Contact Notification manager

Contact Manager

On the Notification tab of the Contact manager:

  1. Edit the Contact ID that you created earlier.
  2. Click the Notification tab.
  3. Select a Subject such as "LOCATION-MODIFIED".
  4. Choose "Message Center" as the Com Method and click Save.
  5. Click Finished.

Contact Notification Manager

On the Contact Notification manager:

  1. Create a new contact notification.
  2. Enter a Subject ID such as "LOCATION-MODIFIED".
  3. Enter the Contact ID that you created earlier.
  4. Choose "Message Center" as the Communication Method and click Save.
  5. Click Finished.

Repeat these steps for each event for which you want to receive notification via the Message Center. When the event is triggered, a message is sent to the Message Center for the user that is associated with the contact.

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