Business Process Automation

Contact: Notification

The Notification tab is accessed via:

  • Business Process Automation > Communication Management > Contacts > Notification tab
  • Business Process Automation > Communication Management > Contact Groups > Notification tab

Use the Notification tab to configure communications, transactional events, and message notification for standard events in which this contact or contact group has interest. The configuration options on this page are similar for both contacts and contact groups with the exception of the response time and calendar ID, which applies only to contacts.


This section controls the assignment of communication methods and priority ranking for the contact as well as configuration options for web tendering if the contact is the primary contact for a service provider.

  1. Select a Com Method ID from the drop-down list. The com method ID identifies the preferred communication method for this contact. If you do not select a communication method for this contact, the choice of communication method is delegated to the communication method records associated with each event. Oracle Transportation Management selects the highest-ranked communication method from the supported methods at the time of notification. Oracle Transportation Management looks at all parties involved in a shipment to ensure that a common method of communication exists when sending notification. For example, it checks to make sure that the service provider can send faxes and that the corporation can receive them.

    Note: For collaborative communication, such as tendering, Oracle Transportation Management ignores any communication method entered with the involved party. Instead, it searches for the highest-ranked communication method supported by both the service provider and the planner. In case there is more than one communication method with equally high rank, notification is only sent to the first one.

  2. Specify a Rank for the communication method. Rank prioritizes the saved communication methods. The highest priority is 1. If the rank between two companies does not match, the method preferred by the source company (shipper) is used.
  3. Enter the Response Time for the communication method. The response time determines the time period in which you expect a response to a tender. For example, you may indicate a response time of 4 hours for a tender sent by FAX but only a 15-minute response time for a tender sent via EDI. If you do not enter a response time Oracle Transportation Management assumes a default of one day. When setting the timeout limit for a tender message, Oracle Transportation Management compares the response time of the contact defined as the logistics involved party to the response time of the primary contact for the service provider and picks the larger of the two response times. The response time works in conjunction with the Calendar ID field so that if Office Hours of 9 to 5 have been identified in the calendar and the tender is sent at 4 p.m. with a Response Time of 5 hours, it will not time out until 1 p.m. the next day. If no calendar is established, a 24x7 work schedule is assumed and, in the example cited, would time out at 9 p.m. that same night.
  4. Enter a Calendar ID. A calendar ID identifies the contact's business hours for use during web tendering. If you do not select a calendar, Oracle Transportation Management assumes a 24 x 7 schedule.

Note: You can also configure tender response time by lane.

Transactional Events

  1. Select a Transactional Event from the drop-down list.
  2. Select an Acting As from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a Com Method from the drop-down list. This communication method overrides the communication method specified earlier, but only for the transactional event.
  4. Select a Stylesheet from the drop-down list.
  5. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list. The Domain field allows you to listen for events in any domain to which you have access.
  6. Click Save for each transactional event that you specify.

Notification Events

Use this section to identify the events for which this contact receives messages.

Note: Some contact notifications currently do not support alert notifications.

  1. Enter a Subject for the notification event. The subject identifies the event. If this event occurs, the contact will receive a message based on the communications settings configured. You can also override those by entering a different communication method in this grid. If left blank, the communication method in this grid will default to By Contact which means the initial communication method at the top of the page is used.
  2. Use the Restrictions field to define event parameters that restrict when the event occurs. For example, you can have an event raised only when integration activity or user interface activity occurs. Click the icon for subject parameters.
  3. Select an Acting As from the drop-down list.
  4. Select a Com Method from the drop-down list. This communication method overrides the communication method specified earlier, but only for the notification event.
  5. You can also override the default Stylesheet that is used to define the format and content of the message for this event. Select a stylesheet from the Stylesheet drop-down list.

    Note: The drop list only shows those stylesheets that have been added in the Com Methods grid, i.e. the Modify Notification Content section of the Contact Notification Manager, which are not the default. So you have to indicate that a stylesheet is applicable for the contact notification by adding it to the Communication Method grid. Note that you need to save the Contact Notification Manager after adding the stylesheet to the grid before it will appear in the drop list. Then it will be available for the subject on this page.

  6. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.
  7. Enter a Consolidation Profile if you are using consolidated notification. If a consolidated profile is entered here and on the Contact tab, this one overrides the one on the Contact tab if they are different.

    For tender notification, if the tender request is initiated by a user Oracle Transportation Management uses the information from the Tender Information page; otherwise, the service provider's contact and communication method is compared to the Notify Request page for consolidated notification in replacing or in addition to regular notification. If consolidated notification is sent as the replacement of regular tender notification, the tender response time is calculated for each tender at the notification time. The tender timeout timers are activated at the same time.
  8. Select the Consolidated Notify Only check box if the only notification sent is to be consolidated. If the general contact record does not have this field selected, select the field here on the Notification tab to establish a consolidation for this specific subject. The Consolidated Notify Only field also affects how the Send Notify Now check box functions on the Withdraw a Tender and Decline Tender actions.
  9. Click Save for each notification event that you define.

Note: Event assignments made here also appear on the Configure Event Notification page and vice-versa.

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