Business Process Automation

Contact Group

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Communication Management > Contact Groups.

A contact group is a collection of contacts that can act as a broadcast mechanism to a set of email, fax, or HTTP addresses using a common language, communication method, and preferences. Alternatively, it can be used to notify several people at one time about an event that has occurred with contact-specific language, communication, and preference settings.

Note: A contact group cannot be used for tendering.

Contact Group Attributes

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Contact ID field.
  2. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a Language Spoken from the drop-down list. The language spoken determines the language that is used in notifications sent to the contacts in the group. This field works in conjunction with the Broadcast to Members check box if it is selected. If you leave the Language Spoken field blank, the system sends messages in English.
  4. Select the Broadcast to Members check box to send messages in the language specified to all members in the group. However, if this check box is not selected, the language setting of each individual contact is used. The same is true for communication method and preferences.


Use this section to define preferred settings when sending messages. The definition of preferences is the same as for a contact. However, the preference settings that are used depend on whether you marked the Broadcast to Members check box. For example, if you leave this blank, the preferences for each contact are used. If you select this check box, the preferences defined here are used for each contact in the group.

Group Members

You can define the contacts in a group in the following ways:

  • Use the Select Contacts By field to use a saved query to dynamically select contacts. For example, assume you want to set up VENDOR involved parties on corporations that want notification of related shipment stop events. You could add a contact group called CORP_VENDORS whose saved query would retrieve contacts for the current stop location's corporation. By notifying CORP_VENDORS on receipt of a shipment event, Oracle Transportation Management can route the event notification to all associated vendors.
  • Static contacts are group members that are manually entered in the Contact ID field.
  • You can enter a combination of both dynamic and static group members.

Note: Contacts may be included in more than one group.

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