Shipment Management

Withdraw a Tender

When you withdraw a tender offer on a shipment, you remove the tender from the service provider to whom the tender was sent. You can do this before or after the service provider accepts the tender.

After you withdraw a tender for a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management performs the following actions:

  • Sends notice to the service provider stating that the tender offer is withdrawn.
  • Stops the timer that defines how long the service provider has to respond.
  • Updates the shipment status SECURE_RESOURCES to WITHDRAWN.
  • Re-tenders the shipment to the next higher cost service provider to whom the tender has not been sent if the shipment can be tendered automatically. If no other service provider is available, the shipment status SECURE_RESOURCES updates to NO_RESOURCES.
  • If the tender you are withdrawing is a step tender, then all step tenders are withdrawn.

Re-Tender Shipment

  1. You can re-tender the shipment by marking the Retender Shipment check box on the Get Retender Flag Page. Oracle Transportation Management sends a tender offer to the next lowest cost service provider that has not already declined the tender.

    Note: If you are a service provider then the option to not retender shipments is unavailable. The system will automatically retender shipments if a service provider declines the shipment tender.

  2. Select a Decline Reason Code from the corresponding list box.
  3. You can select to Send Notify Now or Send Report, or both. If the Consolidated Notify Only check box is selected on the contact, when the Send Notify Now check box is selected, the notification for only the associated shipment is sent immediately. Other withdrawals that were done earlier, but whose notifications are being delayed because of consolidation, are not sent at that time. If the Consolidated Notify Only check box is NOT selected on the contact, then Send Notify Now is not used as notifcation consolidation is not in place.
  4. Click Ok.

When a shipment is tendered, the following actions are performed:

  • Sends notice of the tender offer to the service provider.
  • Starts a timer that defines how long the service provider has in order to respond to the tender before it is withdrawn.
  • Updates the shipment status to SECURE_RESOURCES_TENDERED.

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