Shipment Management

Step Tender Shipment

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Tender > Step Tender Shipment.

Note: You can select multiple shipments and run the Step Tender Shipment action.

When step tendering, carriers are sent tenders one at a time starting with the best/lowest cost service provider. Every time Oracle Transportation Management sends a step tender, it starts a step tender timer. If the carrier responds within the regular response time, but outside of the step tender timer, they are not guaranteed the tender. Instead, after the step tender time is reached, a new step tender is sent to the next best service provider. Any service provider with pending step tenders can respond to the tender. Thus preference can be given to the best service providers, but you do not have to wait the full regular response time before sending tenders to other service providers.

The property "glog.steptender.stepTendertime" indicates the step time used during a step tender. This property is used to prepopulate the UI/Agent Action input screen while initiating a step tender.

  1. Enter the Expected Response Time.
  2. Enter the Step Tender Time.
  3. Click OK.

Step Tender Example

In this example:

  • The total tender response time for a step tender isimage is fully described in surrounding text equal to 6 hours.
  • A step tender is sent to the first service provider, SP 1.
  • The response time is equal to 6 hours.  The step timer is equal to 1 hour.
  • If the first service provider does not respond within the step timer of 1 hour, a tender is then sent to the second service provider, SP 2.
  • For SP 2, the response time is equal to 5 hours. This is the total tender response time of 6 hours minus all previous step timers, which is 1 hour. Again, the step timer is equal to 1 hour.
  • This process continues through all the service providers that are available for step tendering. The process ends when the shipper withdrawals the tender, a service provider accepts the tender, no service providers accept the tender, the step timer runs out of service providers who accept open tenders, or the tender response timer expires.

Step Tender Property Example

  • Property = 15 minutes
  • Total tender response time = 30 minutes
  • Step timer = 10 minutes

Service Provider

Step Timer


Remaining Response Time (minutes)

Send Tender?

SP 1




SP 2




SP 3




In this example:

  • The glog.server.workflow.tender.steptender.minResponseTime property is set to 15 minutes.
  • The total tender response time is equal to 30 minutes and the step timer is equal to 10 minutes.
  • Prior to the step tender being sent to the first service provider, SP 1, Oracle Transportation Management calculates the remaining response time. For SP 1, the remaining response time is equal to the total tender response time of 30 minutes. Is this 30 minutes more than the value in the Oracle Transportation Management property? In this case, the answer is Yes, so the tender is sent to SP 1. SP 1 does not respond within the 10 minute step timer so Oracle Transportation Management looks for the next service provider.
  • Prior to the step tender being sent to SP 2, Oracle Transportation Management calculates the remaining time. For SP 2, the remaining response time is equal to 20 minutes. That is the previous remaining response time of 30 minutes minus the step timer of 10 minutes. Is the remaining response time of 20 minutes more than the value in the Oracle Transportation Management property? In this case, the answer is Yes, so the tender is sent to SP 2. SP 2 does not respond within the 10 minute step timer so Oracle Transportation Management looks for the next service provider.
  • Prior to the step tender being sent to SP 3, Oracle Transportation Management calculates the remaining time. For SP 3, the remaining response time is equal to 10 minutes. This is the previous remaining response time of 20 minutes minus the step timer of 10 minutes. Is the remaining response time of 10 minutes more than the value in the Oracle Transportation Management property? In this case, the answer is No, so the tender is not sent to SP 3.

Note: When you perform the step tender, if the parameter, STEP TENDER WAIT FOR SERVPROV RESPONSE, is set to true, the system honors the service providers' business hours and provides additional time for the service providers to respond if they receive tender in non-working hours. Additional time can be controlled using the following parameters:

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