Shipment Management

Configuring Online Booking and Tendering

Use the Online Booking and Tendering manager to respond to tender offers. You must perform the following steps before using Online Booking and Tendering:

  1. In the Workflow Parameters page define how each transport mode performs tendering activity.
  2. In the Service Provider manager, define the service providers.
  3. Create a primary contact for the service provider. If the service provider wants to receive tender offers via email and reply to the offers using a supplied link, enter a communication method of EMAIL.

Note: For Oracle Transportation Management to create a tender match, the LOGISTICS involved party on the order base must have a communication method that matches a communication method for the primary contact of the service provider. The property glog.tender.errorHandling determines what Oracle Transportation Management does when trying to tender a shipment but the communication methods are incorrect or missing.

Note: Only one user is set up automatically. To add more than one user for the service provider, create additional users manually.

Responding to Tender Offers

  1. Log into the SERVPROV domain and select Shipment Management > Online Booking/Tendering.
  2. Search for shipments that are tendered to you. The Tender Response page displays shipments that result from your search in a table.
  3. Click the ID in the row that displays the shipment to which you want to make a tender response.

    Note: You can only respond to tenders for shipments with a Tender Offer Status of OUTSTANDING or PARTIALLY ACCEPTED.

  4. On the bottom of the Shipment Information page, click the appropriate response:

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