Shipment Management

Accept a Tender or Booking

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Online Booking/Tendering > Actions > Accept Tender.

Note: For details about accepting a tender when using conditional booking, see Accept Shipment with Conditional Booking.

When you accept a tender, you agree to transport a shipment. On the Online Booking and Tendering Results page, view the tender offers and select offers to which you want to respond. You can respond to tender offers when the tender offer status is OUTSTANDING with a Tender Acceptance Status of NO RESPONSE or with an offer status of PARTIALLY ACCEPTED with a Tender Acceptance Status of PARTIALLY ACCEPTED.

  • Sends you pickup information that includes where and when the pickup must occur.
  • On the On-line Booking and Tendering Results grid, the Tender Acceptance Status column is changed to ACCEPTED. If you accept the tender, but make changes to the pickup date, the Tender Offer Status is changed to TENDER CONFIRMED. If the planner reviews and then accepts the tender with the new dates, the tender offer status changes to TENDER CONFIRMED and Oracle Transportation Management acts on the tender. If the tender is accepted, but only partially by Transport Handling Unit, the original Tender Offer Status becomes PARTIALLY ACCEPTED. This status remains with the Tender until the entire tender has been accepted or its response timer expires. If the planner withdraws the tender after your changes, the tender offer status changes to WITHDRAWN.

On the Accept This Shipment page, you can modify some fields associated with the shipment before accepting the tender.

Reference Numbers

Enter reference numbers.


Enter remarks.

Planner Equipment

  1. Enter the Equipment Initial.
  2. Enter the Equipment Number. You can enter a number and/or initial to further clarify and identify the equipment that will be used to transport this shipment.
  3. Select the Accepted check box to indicates that the service provider agrees to use this equipment. There are no updates to the equipment on the shipment.

Pickup Date Time

  1. Enter the Pickup Date Time. You can change the pickup date and time using the Calendar. When you change the pickup date and time for a shipment, a planner must accept the new dates for the shipment. If the planner withdraws the tender after the dates are changed, you cannot take further action on that shipment.
  2. Click Finished.

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