Shipment Management

Online Booking/Tendering

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Online Booking/Tendering.

The Online Booking/Tendering page provides summary information for the shipment that was tendered to you. The Identification tab displays the tender ID, acceptance and offer statuses, the tender response time, and the service provider to whom the tender offer was sent. You can also see details about shipment such as the origin and destination locations, pickup/delivery dates, and content data that help you understand what you are being asked to transport.

The remaining sections and tabs display shipment, equipment, stops, financials, involved parties, booking, tracking information and so on.

  1. In addition to viewing the summary information, you can either accept or decline the tender by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Click the Tender Response/Acceptance Analysis button to view historic data. This opens the relevant dashboard.

Note: While copying the TENDER_COLLAB manager layout, date fields in the Shipment, Booking, and Tracking tabs are not configurable.  

To speed up the loading process of a tender, set the glog.tender.UseOBTProfileID property to true which enables the following properties applied to a tender:

Note: A VPD (Virtual private databases) profile that provides fine-tuned access control across or within domains does not apply on Online Booking/Tendering finder by default. To apply a VPD profile, enable the optional feature “ENABLE VPD FOR OBT FINDER”. 

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