Shipment Management

Decline a Tender or Booking

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Online Booking/Tendering > Actions > Decline Tender.

When you decline a tender, you refuse to transport a shipment that has been tendered to you. The system performs the following actions:

  • Stops the timer that defines how long you have to respond to the tender.
  • Tenders the shipment to the next higher cost service provider who has not already declined the tender for the shipment.
  • On the On-line Booking and Tendering Results grid, the Tender Acceptance Status is changed to DECLINED.

Declining a Shipment for Booking or Tendering

Select a reason for declining the tender by entering a Decline Reason Code. These codes represent qualified notes that the carrier enters when they decline a tender.

Declining a Tender for a Full Flight

When a service provider declines a tender because of a full flight or voyage, the public Quick Code 'FVF' should be used as the decline reason. This identifies that full flight/voyage is the reason for declining. When a service provider declines due to full flight, the following happens to retender:

  1. Change fight/voyage to next earliest available flight/voyage and retender.
  2. If no valid flight/voyage is available,check for a new rate offering of the same service provider and retender.
  3. If no rate offering is available for the same service provider, select the next least cost service provider and retender.

Selection of new schedule and selection of a different rate offering for the same service provider are counted for max retender flag.

The parameter FIND FLIGHTS BACKWARDS enables OTM to find the latest possible flight prior to a declined flight. Downstream shipments will be re-driven; upstream shipments will not.


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