Configuration and Administration


You can record remarks for most business objects such as orders, order releases, shipments, locations, items, and so on. Remarks can be entered manually or through auto text.

Use auto text when adding repetitive text to a Remark field. The use of auto text streamlines the entry of frequently used phrases by taking an existing text template associated with a business object and populating the Remark Text field with the Text Template's message. Set up a text template in the Text Template manager.

Note: Only certain business objects in Oracle Transportation Management support the use of auto text. If the business object you are working with does not support auto text then your remarks will need to be entered manually.

Note: Auto text supports standard text functionality only, not parameterized text.

  1. Choose a Remark Qualifier from the list to provide meaning for the remark. Default Remark Qualifiers are provided; however, you can add your own.
  2. If you want to use auto text and it is enabled for this business object, click the Auto Text button to the right of the Remark Text box. A drop-down list appears containing text templates.
  3. Select text templates associated with the business object from the drop-down list. Once a template has been chosen, the text message from that template automatically populates the Remark Text field.
  4. Use the Remark Text field to record a new remark or add onto the remark that already was populated by auto text.
  5. Click Save. Repeat the process for additional remarks.
  6. Click Edit or Delete to modify or remove a remark from the list.

The following default Remark Qualifiers provide additional functionality:

  • REM: Use this qualifier when you want to enter text for the remark.
  • NUMBER_OF_COMPARTMENTS (functional on an order base only): You can use this qualifier to specify how many separate compartments each order base needs. This limits the choices of equipment groups that Oracle Transportation Management evaluates as alternatives for container optimization. For example, if you create an order base with 3 lines, you could specify NUMBER_OF_COMPARTMENTS equal to 3 as remarks and container optimization is run on Equipment Groups that have at least 3 Equipment Group Compartments.
  • URL: The URL remark qualifier was deemed a security risk and is no longer supported. Refer to the property which you can use to accomplish similar functionality.

Remark Level

A Remark Qualifier may have a level defined that is used to filter and organize remark records.

For example, the Financial Overview page is designed to display only those Order Base Remarks with a Remark Qualifier with a Level of 1. The Level is also used to retrieve related remarks from other business objects. For example, you can perform the View Related Remarks action on the Order Release Results page to display the various related remark records for the order base from which the Order Release was generated.

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